Sampling and Weighting Technical Report, Census of Population, 2021
5. Evaluation of the weighting procedures

As described in Chapter 4, the first step in weighting the long-form sample was to assign design weights to households. Weights were assigned differently depending on the collection method of the area where the household was located. Private households attached to a collective dwelling or part of a First Nations community, Métis settlement, Inuit region, or other remote area have a design weight of 1. The final weight for these private households corresponds to the design weight and remains at the initial value of 1. All the other private households have a design weight greater than 1. All of the results presented in this chapter were calculated for the subset of households with a design weight greater than 1.

In short, each household was assigned a design weight that was determined by the long-form sample design. Some adjustments were then necessary to address coverage and total non‑response. Non‑linear calibration was performed during this adjustment to estimate the parameters for non‑response models. After being adjusted for coverage and total non‑response, the weights were adjusted further in the final calibration process to produce the final weights. The final weights enabled generally better agreement between the census counts and the long-form estimates.

The next few sections examine the distribution of the weights and, for various characteristics, the discrepancies between the census counts and the sample.

5.1 Distribution of the weights

Chart 5.1.1 and tables 5.1.1 and 5.1.2 illustrate the distribution of the design weights, the weights adjusted for coverage and non‑response, and the weights adjusted in the final calibration. The weights are grouped by 0.5 length intervals, apart from the first and last intervals. The chart shows the percentage of times the weights appear in each interval. All the design weights ranged from 3.75 to 4.25. This is because of the long-form sample design, in which approximately one in four households received a long‑form questionnaire in most areas. The impact on the weights of the coverage and non‑response adjustments and the final calibration adjustments can also be seen. A very noticeable difference is shown in the 3.75 to 4.25 interval. In fact, 55% of households had their coverage and non‑response adjusted weights between 3.75 and 4.25 compared with 100% of design weights in this interval. After the final calibration adjustment only 30% of households had their final weights in this interval. The final weights were more evenly distributed across all categories compared with the design and coverage and non‑response adjusted weights.

Logically, the non‑response adjustment process should tend to increase the weights to compensate for the non‑responding units. This did occur for most cases. The changes between the design weights and the coverage and non‑response adjusted weights can be observed in Table 5.1.1. This table shows that most of the units that left the [3.75, 4.25) range moved to the [4.25, 4.75) or [4.75, 5.25) ranges. However, the coverage and non‑response adjustment process also moved some weights from the [3.75, 4.25) range to the [1.00, 2.75), [2.75, 3.25) or [3.25, 3.75) ranges for some units. The main reason is that the procedure included an adjustment for overcoverage and undercoverage. To the extent that a few population groups may have experienced overcoverage, the weights would have been reduced in those areas.

An important element to notice in Table 5.1.1 is that the non‑responding units originally had positive weights, since they were selected for the sample. The non‑response adjustment process assigned them a weight of 0 and redistributed their original weights among responding units. The non‑responding units correspond to the line labelled “0 (non‑respondents)” in Table 5.1.1 and were removed from Table 5.1.2, since they were not used in the calibration process. Table 5.1.2 presents the changes between the coverage and non‑response adjusted weights and the calibrated weights.

According to Table 5.1.2, most weights experienced only a small modification during the calibration process. In fact, 78.1% of cases either stayed in the same range or moved only one range up or down. The most stable range was 1.00 to 2.75, where 64% of the households with a coverage and non‑response adjusted weight between 1.00 and 2.75 stayed in that category after calibration. The second most stable category was 5.75 to 12.25 where 61.9% of households with a coverage and non‑response adjusted weight between 5.75 and 12.25 stayed in that category (although the calibration range goes up to 20.00 rather than 12.25).

Finally, whereas the coverage and non‑response adjusted weights varied from 1.00 to 12.25, the range of the final weights was from 1.00 to 20.00.

Chart 5.1.1 Distribution  of design weights, coverage and non‑response adjusted weights, and final  weights

Data table for Chart 5.1.1
Data table for chart 5.1.1
Table summary
This table displays the results of Data table for chart 5.1.1. The information is grouped by Interval (appearing as row headers), Design weights, Coverage and non-response adjusted weights and Final weights, calculated using percent units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Interval Design weights Coverage and non-response adjusted weights Final weights
[1.00, 2.75) 0.00 0.04 2.17
[2.75, 3.25) 0.00 0.41 6.18
[3.25, 3.75) 0.00 7.13 17.94
[3.75, 4.25) 100.00 55.05 30.05
[4.25, 4.75) 0.00 31.66 24.76
[4.75, 5.25) 0.00 4.56 11.73
[5.25, 5.75) 0.00 0.83 4.45
[5.75, 20.00] 0.00 0.32 2.73
Table 5.1.1
Distribution of design weights and coverage and non-response adjusted weights
Table summary
This table displays the results of Distribution of design weights and coverage and non-response adjusted weights. The information is grouped by Coverage and non-response adjusted weights (appearing as row headers), Design weights (appearing as column headers).
Coverage and non-response adjusted weights Design weights
[3.75, 4.25) Total
0 (non-respondents) 149,945 149,945
[1.00, 2.75) 1,555 1,555
[2.75, 3.25) 14,575 14,575
[3.25, 3.75) 252,583 252,583
[3.75, 4.25) 1,949,875 1,949,875
[4.25, 4.75) 1,121,300 1,121,300
[4.75, 5.25) 161,359 161,359
[5.25, 5.75) 29,512 29,512
[5.75, 20.00] 11,441 11,441
Total 3,692,145 3,692,145
Table 5.1.2
Distribution of coverage and non-response adjusted weights and final weights
Table summary
This table displays the results of Distribution of coverage and non-response adjusted weights and final weights. The information is grouped by Final weights (appearing as row headers), Coverage and non-response adjusted weights (appearing as column headers).
Final weights Coverage and non-response adjusted weights
[1.00, 2.75) [2.75, 3.25) [3.25, 3.75) [3.75, 4.25) [4.25, 4.75) [4.75, 5.25) [5.25, 5.75) [5.75, 12.25) Total
[1.00, 2.75) 999 4,045 19,737 38,100 11,595 1,706 364 174 76,720
[2.75, 3.25) 350 4,559 47,337 131,632 31,612 2,910 395 115 218,910
[3.25, 3.75) 144 3,710 84,405 426,528 111,790 7,757 909 193 635,436
[3.75, 4.25) 42 1,527 65,228 690,146 286,261 18,837 1,895 394 1,064,330
[4.25, 4.75) 13 514 25,637 451,501 359,080 36,037 3,507 678 876,967
[4.75, 5.25) 6 151 7,430 154,852 205,139 41,044 5,725 1,166 415,513
[5.25, 5.75) 1 45 2,020 42,165 77,392 28,209 6,127 1,642 157,601
[5.75, 20.00] 0 24 789 14,951 38,431 24,859 10,590 7,079 96,723
Total 1,555 14,575 252,583 1,949,875 1,121,300 161,359 29,512 11,441 3,542,200

5.2 Discrepancies between census counts and long-form estimates, Canada

Chapter 4 describes the methods used to calculate the final household weights, and Section 5.1 shows some of the relationships between design weights, coverage and non‑response adjusted weights and final weights. The coverage and non‑response adjustment reduced the discrepancies between the census counts and the corresponding long-form estimates for the constraints considered (see Appendix C). Following those adjustments, calibration further reduced or eliminated those discrepancies for certain variables (constraints). However, some discrepancies remain, since constraints are sometimes excluded. The relative difference between census counts and long-form estimates, called the discrepancy, is defined as:

Discrepancy= (long-form estimatecensus count) census count ×100% MathType@MTEF@5@5@+= feaagKart1ev2aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr 4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4rqqrFfpeea0xe9Lq=Jc9 vqaqpepm0xbba9pwe9Q8fs0=yqaqpepae9pg0FirpepeKkFr0xfr=x fr=xb9adbaqaaeGaciGaaiaabeqaamaabaabaaGcbaGaaeiraiaabM gacaqGZbGaae4yaiaabkhacaqGLbGaaeiCaiaabggacaqGUbGaae4y aiaabMhacqGH9aqpdaWcaaqaaiaacIcacaqGSbGaae4Baiaab6gaca qGNbGaaeylaiaabAgacaqGVbGaaeOCaiaab2gacaqGGaGaaeyzaiaa bohacaqG0bGaaeyAaiaab2gacaqGHbGaaeiDaiaabwgacqGHsislca qGJbGaaeyzaiaab6gacaqGZbGaaeyDaiaabohacaqGGaGaae4yaiaa b+gacaqG1bGaaeOBaiaabshacaGGPaaabaGaae4yaiaabwgacaqGUb Gaae4CaiaabwhacaqGZbGaaeiiaiaabogacaqGVbGaaeyDaiaab6ga caqG0baaaiabgEna0kaaigdacaaIWaGaaGimaiaacwcaaaa@6E96@

This ratio represents the percentage that the characteristic was overestimated (a positive value) or underestimated (a negative value). For comparison reasons, it is also useful to look at the absolute values of the discrepancy and difference, hereafter referred to as the absolute discrepancy and absolute difference, respectively.

Table 5.2.1 shows the 2021 Canada-level differences between census counts and long-form estimates for the constraints considered for the design weights, the coverage and non‑response adjusted weights and the final weights.

Table 5.2.1 also shows the discrepancy for estimates based on final weights. Looking at these discrepancies sheds more light on the differences. Over 94% of the cases in Table 5.2.1 had a discrepancy from -1% to 1%, and over 99.5% of them had discrepancies ranging from -5% to 5%.

Chart 5.2.2 shows, for all the constraints, the difference between the census counts and each of the three estimates: design weights (blue), coverage and non‑response adjusted weights (orange), and final weights (green). The x-axis represents the population size of the constraint, in thousands, and the three series of dots show for each constraint:

The constraints are sorted, from left to right, by increasing population size.

Chart 5.2.3 shows the percentage discrepancies between census counts and final estimates for all the constraints by population size. For the medium-sized and large-sized constraints, the discrepancies are all small. Only certain small-sized constraints have relatively large discrepancies.

The most important observation from Chart 5.2.2 is that the coverage and non‑response adjustment carries a big improvement over the design-weighted estimates, in terms of reducing the discrepancy. Although it is not apparent in the chart, the coverage adjustment does most of the job. The difference between census counts and long-form estimates for design weights tended to be (much) greater than the difference between census counts and long-form estimates for the coverage and non‑response adjusted weights. This, in turn, tended to be greater than the corresponding difference using the final weights. This shows the importance of the non‑response adjustment and calibration processes. A difference between the census count and long-form estimate could occur in a SADA or ADA for a characteristic if its constraint is excluded during calibration. In other words, the process did not control on the excluded constraint for a given area. If the constraint is excluded in many areas, these differences could partially cancel each other out, or they could cumulate to create a large difference at the Canada level. Total persons (TOTPERS) and total households (TOTHHLD) were the only mandatory constraints for which agreement between census counts and long-form estimates had to be guaranteed for all ADAs. As a result, the final weight difference and discrepancy for these characteristics were 0. However, all other constraints had to be excluded in some areas.

Appendix C along with Table 5.2.1 illustrates that constraints that were excluded frequently tended to exhibit high differences or discrepancies. Looking at the constraints defined only at the SADA level, there was a positive relationship between the number of times a constraint was excluded and the absolute difference between census counts and long-form estimates. The “Persons in a couple (married or common-law)” (COUPLE) constraint exhibited the largest absolute difference of 8,642 while being the fourth most excluded constraint having been excluded 627 times between the coverage and non‑response adjustment and final calibration. Lastly, among the SADA-only constraints with the top 10 largest relative differences, 7 constraints were also a part of the top 10 most excluded.

Across all possible constraints, the top 10 largest absolute differences were between 2,466 and 8,642. However, because the census counts were so high, the discrepancies for these constraints were small (ranging from -0.45% to 0.28%). The largest discrepancies were observed for some of the place of birth categories. Many place of birth categories are uncommon in Canada and are therefore frequently excluded during calibration. This resulted in some large absolute differences and particularly large absolute discrepancies.

Table 5.2.1
Census counts and long-form estimate differences and discrepancies, Canada
Table summary
This table displays the results of Census counts and long-form estimate differences and discrepancies. The information is grouped by Characteristic (appearing as row headers), Census counts, Design weights, Coverage and non-response adjusted weights and Final weights (appearing as column headers).
Characteristic Census counts Design weights Coverage and non-response adjusted weights Final weights
estimates difference estimates difference estimates difference discrepancy (%)
ADULTCF 18,645,248 18,561,008 -84,240 18,646,762 1,514 18,646,559 1,311 0.01
AGE00_14 5,863,246 5,825,360 -37,886 5,862,200 -1,046 5,863,461 215 0.00
AGE14 2,074,620 2,061,284 -13,336 2,075,061 441 2,074,101 -519 -0.03
AGE15_24 4,110,940 4,060,056 -50,884 4,109,533 -1,407 4,111,450 510 0.01
AGE15_29 6,479,017 6,395,416 -83,601 6,475,962 -3,055 6,479,062 45 0.00
AGE19 1,960,356 1,942,036 -18,320 1,965,980 5,624 1,965,564 5,208 0.27
AGE24 2,150,584 2,118,020 -32,564 2,143,553 -7,031 2,145,886 -4,698 -0.22
AGE25_34 4,835,713 4,774,696 -61,017 4,833,889 -1,824 4,835,382 -331 -0.01
AGE29 2,368,077 2,335,360 -32,717 2,366,429 -1,648 2,367,612 -465 -0.02
AGE30_49 9,549,900 9,477,840 -72,060 9,547,899 -2,001 9,550,076 176 0.00
AGE34 2,467,636 2,439,336 -28,300 2,467,460 -176 2,467,770 134 0.01
AGE35_44 4,820,439 4,784,580 -35,859 4,819,469 -970 4,820,173 -266 -0.01
AGE39 2,464,600 2,441,428 -23,172 2,464,015 -585 2,464,706 106 0.00
AGE4 1,783,383 1,769,160 -14,223 1,782,623 -760 1,783,298 -85 0.00
AGE44 2,355,839 2,343,152 -12,687 2,355,454 -385 2,355,468 -371 -0.02
AGE45_54 4,582,978 4,553,408 -29,570 4,581,504 -1,474 4,582,969 -9 0.00
AGE49 2,261,825 2,253,924 -7,901 2,260,970 -855 2,262,132 307 0.01
AGE50_64 7,432,010 7,390,072 -41,938 7,431,294 -716 7,431,838 -172 0.00
AGE54 2,321,153 2,299,484 -21,669 2,320,534 -619 2,320,837 -316 -0.01
AGE55_64 5,110,857 5,090,588 -20,269 5,110,759 -98 5,111,001 144 0.00
AGE59 2,593,703 2,581,512 -12,191 2,593,232 -471 2,593,861 158 0.01
AGE64 2,517,154 2,509,076 -8,078 2,517,527 373 2,517,141 -13 0.00
AGE65PL 6,534,621 6,522,260 -12,361 6,535,110 489 6,534,356 -265 0.00
AGE74 3,958,758 3,953,664 -5,094 3,959,122 364 3,957,893 -865 -0.02
AGE75PL 2,575,863 2,568,596 -7,267 2,575,987 124 2,576,463 600 0.02
AGE9 2,005,243 1,994,916 -10,327 2,004,516 -727 2,006,063 820 0.04
APT5PLUS 1,593,869 1,585,684 -8,185 1,593,702 -167 1,593,648 -221 -0.01
APTLT5 2,728,558 2,713,976 -14,582 2,727,869 -689 2,728,625 67 0.00
CHILD 10,442,414 10,361,584 -80,830 10,442,904 490 10,443,251 837 0.01
CHILDFAM 5,884,937 5,846,660 -38,277 5,883,853 -1,084 5,884,257 -680 -0.01
COMLAWNO_DIV 1,859,786 1,849,532 -10,254 1,859,958 172 1,859,981 195 0.01
COMLAWNO_OTHERS 4,008,592 3,990,936 -17,656 4,008,187 -405 4,008,588 -4 0.00
COMLAWNO_SEP 716,514 711,864 -4,650 716,241 -273 716,757 243 0.03
COMLAWNO_SINGLE 14,508,945 14,350,816 -158,129 14,504,993 -3,952 14,508,422 -523 0.00
COMLAWNO_SINGLE_GE15 8,645,699 8,525,456 -120,243 8,642,793 -2,906 8,644,960 -739 -0.01
COMLAWNO_SINGLE_LT15 5,863,246 5,825,360 -37,886 5,862,200 -1,046 5,863,461 215 0.00
COMLAWNO_WID 1,432,292 1,429,540 -2,752 1,431,989 -303 1,431,849 -443 -0.03
COMLAWYE_MARRIED 17,341,257 17,269,196 -72,061 17,339,283 -1,974 17,341,785 528 0.00
COMLAW_YE 3,836,830 3,812,728 -24,102 3,835,614 -1,216 3,835,160 -1,670 -0.04
COUPLE 17,005,592 16,940,552 -65,040 17,009,739 4,147 17,014,234 8,642 0.05
EMPIN_GT50 10,466,983 10,418,360 -48,623 10,468,477 1,494 10,466,948 -35 0.00
EMPIN_LE50 10,470,465 10,370,160 -100,305 10,466,820 -3,645 10,470,574 109 0.00
EMPIN_P0 14,921,346 14,822,428 -98,918 14,917,167 -4,179 14,921,272 -74 0.00
EMPIN_P0_GE15 9,058,100 8,997,068 -61,032 9,054,967 -3,133 9,057,810 -290 0.00
EMPIN_P0_LT15 5,863,246 5,825,360 -37,886 5,862,200 -1,046 5,863,461 215 0.00
EMPIN_P100 5,232,212 5,212,280 -19,932 5,231,362 -850 5,231,417 -795 -0.02
EMPIN_P25 5,237,240 5,184,568 -52,672 5,233,499 -3,741 5,238,205 965 0.02
EMPIN_P50 5,233,225 5,185,592 -47,633 5,233,321 96 5,232,369 -856 -0.02
EMPIN_P75 5,234,771 5,206,080 -28,691 5,237,115 2,344 5,235,531 760 0.01
EMPIN_SADA_GT50 10,468,377 10,421,676 -46,701 10,468,529 152 10,468,160 -217 0.00
EMPIN_SADA_LE50 10,469,071 10,366,844 -102,227 10,466,767 -2,304 10,469,363 292 0.00
EMPIN_SADA_P0 14,921,346 14,822,428 -98,918 14,917,167 -4,179 14,921,272 -74 0.00
EMPIN_SADA_P0_GE15 9,058,100 8,997,068 -61,032 9,054,967 -3,133 9,057,810 -290 0.00
EMPIN_SADA_P0_LT15 5,863,246 5,825,360 -37,886 5,862,200 -1,046 5,863,461 215 0.00
EMPIN_SADA_P100 5,234,004 5,216,312 -17,692 5,234,300 296 5,234,269 265 0.01
EMPIN_SADA_P25 5,235,162 5,181,240 -53,922 5,231,079 -4,083 5,235,190 28 0.00
EMPIN_SADA_P50 5,233,909 5,185,604 -48,305 5,235,688 1,779 5,234,173 264 0.01
EMPIN_SADA_P75 5,234,373 5,205,364 -29,009 5,234,229 -144 5,233,890 -483 -0.01
FEMALE 18,157,552 18,051,988 -105,564 18,155,596 -1,956 18,157,618 66 0.00
FEMALEGE15 15,303,878 15,217,160 -86,718 15,302,343 -1,535 15,303,972 94 0.00
FEMALELT15 2,853,674 2,834,828 -18,846 2,853,253 -421 2,853,646 -28 0.00
HHADA 14,826,894 14,768,580 -58,314 14,826,894 0 14,826,894 0 0.00
HHADACSD 14,826,894 14,768,580 -58,314 14,826,894 0 14,826,894 0 0.00
HHINC_GT50 7,412,136 7,372,056 -40,080 7,414,714 2,578 7,412,314 178 0.00
HHINC_LE50 7,414,758 7,396,524 -18,234 7,412,180 -2,578 7,414,580 -178 0.00
HHINC_P100 3,704,978 3,678,564 -26,414 3,703,026 -1,952 3,704,942 -36 0.00
HHINC_P25 3,708,673 3,704,396 -4,277 3,708,008 -665 3,708,664 -9 0.00
HHINC_P50 3,706,085 3,692,128 -13,957 3,704,172 -1,913 3,705,915 -170 0.00
HHINC_P75 3,707,158 3,693,492 -13,666 3,711,687 4,529 3,707,372 214 0.01
HHINC_SADA_GT50 7,413,255 7,373,352 -39,903 7,413,008 -247 7,413,093 -162 0.00
HHINC_SADA_LE50 7,413,639 7,395,228 -18,411 7,413,886 247 7,413,801 162 0.00
HHINC_SADA_P100 3,706,522 3,682,152 -24,370 3,706,067 -455 3,706,454 -68 0.00
HHINC_SADA_P25 3,706,961 3,702,248 -4,713 3,707,028 67 3,706,238 -723 -0.02
HHINC_SADA_P50 3,706,678 3,692,980 -13,698 3,706,857 179 3,707,564 886 0.02
HHINC_SADA_P75 3,706,733 3,691,200 -15,533 3,706,941 208 3,706,638 -95 0.00
HHSIZE1 4,356,317 4,363,644 7,327 4,356,599 282 4,354,798 -1,519 -0.03
HHSIZE2 5,086,584 5,065,324 -21,260 5,087,377 793 5,086,686 102 0.00
HHSIZE3 2,172,884 2,160,960 -11,924 2,172,802 -82 2,172,690 -194 -0.01
HHSIZE4 1,983,642 1,970,564 -13,078 1,984,050 408 1,984,337 695 0.04
HHSIZE5 777,142 770,908 -6,234 779,026 1,884 779,459 2,317 0.30
HHSIZEGE5 1,227,467 1,208,088 -19,379 1,226,066 -1,401 1,228,382 915 0.07
HHSIZEGE6 450,325 437,180 -13,145 447,040 -3,285 448,924 -1,401 -0.31
INEFAM 29,985,843 29,806,124 -179,719 29,989,178 3,335 29,991,606 5,763 0.02
IR_LINK_NO 35,456,960 35,217,972 -238,988 35,451,968 -4,992 35,457,267 307 0.00
IR_LINK_YE 401,834 392,976 -8,858 400,496 -1,338 401,527 -307 -0.08
LIM_NO 31,967,342 31,741,028 -226,314 31,962,884 -4,458 31,966,263 -1,079 0.00
LIM_YE 3,891,452 3,869,920 -21,532 3,889,579 -1,873 3,892,531 1,079 0.03
LONEPAR 1,639,656 1,620,456 -19,200 1,637,023 -2,633 1,632,325 -7,331 -0.45
MALE 17,701,242 17,558,960 -142,282 17,696,868 -4,374 17,701,176 -66 0.00
MALEGE15 14,691,670 14,568,428 -123,242 14,687,920 -3,750 14,691,361 -309 0.00
MALELT15 3,009,572 2,990,532 -19,040 3,008,948 -624 3,009,815 243 0.01
MARRIED 13,504,427 13,456,468 -47,959 13,503,668 -759 13,506,625 2,198 0.02
NB_NOTINCF 6,771,132 6,688,356 -82,776 6,762,799 -8,333 6,768,984 -2,148 -0.03
NOCLDFAM 4,257,515 4,244,072 -13,443 4,258,039 524 4,255,185 -2,330 -0.05
NOINEFAM 5,872,951 5,804,824 -68,127 5,863,285 -9,666 5,867,188 -5,763 -0.10
NOINEFAMHHSIZEEQ1 4,356,317 4,363,644 7,327 4,356,599 282 4,354,798 -1,519 -0.03
NOINEFAMHHSIZEGT1 1,516,634 1,441,180 -75,454 1,506,687 -9,947 1,512,390 -4,244 -0.28
NOTINFAM 6,771,132 6,688,356 -82,776 6,762,799 -8,333 6,768,984 -2,148 -0.03
NOTINFAMHHSIZEEQ1 4,356,317 4,363,644 7,327 4,356,599 282 4,354,798 -1,519 -0.03
NOTINFAMHHSIZEGT1 2,414,815 2,324,712 -90,103 2,406,200 -8,615 2,414,186 -629 -0.03
OLN_BI 6,523,298 6,482,368 -40,930 6,523,158 -140 6,524,917 1,619 0.02
OLN_EN 24,660,168 24,472,152 -188,016 24,656,197 -3,971 24,658,926 -1,242 -0.01
OLN_FR 3,996,708 3,982,912 -13,796 3,996,280 -428 3,996,783 75 0.00
OLN_NO 678,620 673,516 -5,104 676,829 -1,791 678,168 -452 -0.07
OTHERDTYPE 2,742,490 2,728,540 -13,950 2,742,407 -83 2,742,753 263 0.01
POBG2_1 18,188 18,436 248 18,747 559 18,398 210 1.15
POBG2_10 69,328 68,104 -1,224 68,893 -435 69,005 -323 -0.47
POBG2_11 100,824 100,972 148 100,654 -170 100,771 -53 -0.05
POBG2_16 39,401 39,044 -357 39,043 -358 39,386 -15 -0.04
POBG2_17 37,600 36,964 -636 36,661 -939 37,076 -524 -1.39
POBG2_18 4,705 4,568 -137 4,571 -134 4,660 -45 -0.96
POBG2_19 26,175 25,972 -203 26,157 -18 26,087 -88 -0.34
POBG2_20 27,622 27,504 -118 27,542 -80 27,646 24 0.09
POBG2_21 973,117 971,244 -1,873 974,259 1,142 973,913 796 0.08
POBG2_22 138,803 138,148 -655 140,247 1,444 140,100 1,297 0.93
POBG2_24 45,496 44,620 -876 44,556 -940 44,886 -610 -1.34
POBG2_25 24,018 23,724 -294 23,849 -169 23,699 -319 -1.33
POBG2_26 90,748 90,332 -416 91,084 336 91,009 261 0.29
POBG2_27 70,378 69,804 -574 70,429 51 70,554 176 0.25
POBG2_28 159,482 157,392 -2,090 158,758 -724 159,151 -331 -0.21
POBG2_29 87,715 88,556 841 88,327 612 88,550 835 0.95
POBG2_3 39,318 39,292 -26 39,516 198 39,455 137 0.35
POBG2_30 43,855 43,428 -427 44,366 511 44,233 378 0.86
POBG2_31 145,516 145,352 -164 146,258 742 145,899 383 0.26
POBG2_32 208,157 207,616 -541 208,788 631 208,633 476 0.23
POBG2_33 133,732 133,192 -540 133,176 -556 133,053 -679 -0.51
POBG2_34 24,611 24,160 -451 24,537 -74 24,468 -143 -0.58
POBG2_35 75,006 74,360 -646 75,190 184 75,623 617 0.82
POBG2_36 82,061 80,744 -1,317 81,632 -429 82,056 -5 -0.01
POBG2_37 135,441 133,692 -1,749 134,832 -609 135,038 -403 -0.30
POBG2_38 97,604 97,816 212 98,419 815 98,205 601 0.62
POBG2_39 33,558 33,732 174 33,517 -41 33,587 29 0.09
POBG2_4 69,501 69,680 179 69,323 -178 69,454 -47 -0.07
POBG2_40 147,988 148,988 1,000 147,968 -20 147,920 -68 -0.05
POBG2_41 2,707 2,676 -31 2,736 29 2,713 6 0.21
POBG2_42 207,251 203,500 -3,751 206,111 -1,140 207,270 19 0.01
POBG2_43 759,124 760,536 1,412 761,959 2,835 761,199 2,075 0.27
POBG2_45 93,239 92,184 -1,055 93,552 313 93,699 460 0.49
POBG2_46 73,961 73,020 -941 73,263 -698 73,343 -618 -0.84
POBG2_47 182,036 179,428 -2,608 180,255 -1,781 180,423 -1,613 -0.89
POBG2_48 453,197 451,084 -2,113 454,014 817 453,697 500 0.11
POBG2_50 1,117 1,104 -13 1,121 4 1,091 -26 -2.29
POBG2_51 20,746 20,264 -482 20,457 -289 20,452 -294 -1.42
POBG2_54 114,417 114,916 499 114,900 483 114,799 382 0.33
POBG2_55 21,665 21,680 15 22,065 400 21,929 264 1.22
POBG2_56 87,057 86,636 -421 87,125 68 87,376 319 0.37
POBG2_57 31,161 30,388 -773 30,862 -299 30,901 -260 -0.84
POBG2_59 50,363 51,048 685 51,538 1,175 51,260 897 1.78
POBG2_6 38,714 38,148 -566 38,503 -211 38,242 -472 -1.22
POBG2_60 129,348 128,936 -412 129,813 465 129,745 397 0.31
POBG2_63 12,109 12,044 -65 11,964 -145 12,044 -65 -0.54
POBG2_64 1,282,470 1,274,528 -7,942 1,284,077 1,607 1,281,244 -1,226 -0.10
POBG2_65 33,796 33,840 44 33,947 151 33,820 24 0.07
POBG2_66 340,472 340,244 -228 340,373 -99 340,034 -438 -0.13
POBG2_67 225,939 224,856 -1,083 225,835 -104 226,274 335 0.15
POBG2_68 30,781 29,976 -805 30,454 -327 30,502 -279 -0.91
POBG2_69 132,839 131,732 -1,107 133,079 240 132,934 95 0.07
POBG2_7 77,130 76,736 -394 76,908 -222 76,934 -196 -0.25
POBG2_70 62,339 61,204 -1,135 61,677 -662 61,229 -1,110 -1.78
POBG2_71 108,119 107,468 -651 108,495 376 108,324 205 0.19
POBG2_9 1,800 1,896 96 1,906 106 1,942 142 7.91
POBG3_10 356,921 356,844 -77 356,937 16 356,600 -321 -0.09
POBG3_12 60,983 60,972 -11 61,581 598 61,384 401 0.66
POBG3_14 372,701 368,480 -4,221 373,187 486 373,777 1,076 0.29
POBG3_15 991,957 992,892 935 995,727 3,770 994,720 2,763 0.28
POBG3_16 52,163 52,944 781 53,444 1,281 53,202 1,039 1.99
POBG3_17 1,436,629 1,427,828 -8,801 1,438,445 1,816 1,435,473 -1,156 -0.08
POBG3_18 333,700 330,792 -2,908 333,977 277 334,217 517 0.15
POBG3_19 238,714 236,492 -2,222 238,111 -603 238,401 -313 -0.13
POBG3_2 371,246 369,500 -1,746 371,278 32 371,108 -138 -0.04
POBG3_20 225,939 224,856 -1,083 225,835 -104 226,274 335 0.15
POBG3_21 197,885 195,612 -2,273 197,493 -392 196,876 -1,009 -0.51
POBG3_22 269,123 268,664 -459 269,484 361 268,968 -155 -0.06
POBG3_3 81,706 80,576 -1,130 80,276 -1,430 81,123 -583 -0.71
POBG3_4 188,533 187,180 -1,353 188,954 421 188,989 456 0.24
POBG3_5 230,116 228,392 -1,724 230,849 733 230,586 470 0.20
POBG3_6 1,156,486 1,155,964 -522 1,157,691 1,205 1,157,397 911 0.08
POBG3_7 260,737 260,508 -229 260,109 -628 260,456 -281 -0.11
POBG3_8 709,194 703,532 -5,662 707,532 -1,662 707,463 -1,731 -0.24
POBG3_9 294,966 292,056 -2,910 294,438 -528 295,820 854 0.29
PPADA 35,858,794 35,610,948 -247,846 35,852,464 -6,330 35,858,794 0 0.00
PPADACSD 35,858,794 35,610,948 -247,846 35,852,464 -6,330 35,858,794 0 0.00
SNGLDET 7,761,977 7,740,380 -21,597 7,762,916 939 7,761,868 -109 0.00
TOTCFAM 10,142,452 10,090,732 -51,720 10,141,892 -560 10,139,442 -3,010 -0.03
TOTHHLD 14,826,894 14,768,580 -58,314 14,826,894 0 14,826,894 0 0.00
TOTPERS 35,858,794 35,610,948 -247,846 35,852,464 -6,330 35,858,794 0 0.00
TPERGE15 29,995,548 29,785,588 -209,960 29,990,263 -5,285 29,995,333 -215 0.00
TPERLT15 5,863,246 5,825,360 -37,886 5,862,200 -1,046 5,863,461 215 0.00
YRIMD_1900 1,057,784 1,051,708 -6,076 1,057,998 214 1,057,899 115 0.01
YRIMD_1980 336,657 335,244 -1,413 335,330 -1,327 336,180 -477 -0.14
YRIMD_1986 478,539 477,856 -683 479,476 937 479,823 1,284 0.27
YRIMD_1991 704,709 705,148 439 706,313 1,604 705,588 879 0.12
YRIMD_1996 664,518 662,160 -2,358 665,920 1,402 665,189 671 0.10
YRIMD_2001 834,315 830,188 -4,127 833,798 -517 833,822 -493 -0.06
YRIMD_2006 938,128 935,132 -2,996 938,038 -90 938,252 124 0.01
YRIMD_2011 1,045,048 1,038,256 -6,792 1,045,197 149 1,044,095 -953 -0.09
YRIMD_2016 1,265,550 1,261,424 -4,126 1,265,880 330 1,265,578 28 0.00
YRIMD_M3 27,740,538 27,530,424 -210,114 27,729,416 -11,122 27,738,072 -2,466 -0.01
YRIMD_M5 793,008 783,408 -9,600 795,099 2,091 794,295 1,287 0.16
YRIMG1_1900 1,057,784 1,051,708 -6,076 1,057,998 214 1,057,899 115 0.01
YRIMG1_1980 815,196 813,100 -2,096 814,806 -390 816,003 807 0.10
YRIMG1_1991 1,369,227 1,367,308 -1,919 1,372,232 3,005 1,370,777 1,550 0.11
YRIMG1_2001 1,772,443 1,765,320 -7,123 1,771,836 -607 1,772,075 -368 -0.02
YRIMG1_2011 1,045,048 1,038,256 -6,792 1,045,197 149 1,044,095 -953 -0.09
YRIMG1_2016 1,265,550 1,261,424 -4,126 1,265,880 330 1,265,578 28 0.00
YRIMG1_M3 27,740,538 27,530,424 -210,114 27,729,416 -11,122 27,738,072 -2,466 -0.01
YRIMG1_M5 793,008 783,408 -9,600 795,099 2,091 794,295 1,287 0.16

Chart 5.2.2 Differences between  census counts and counts estimated using design, coverage and non‑response  adjusted, and final weights

Data table for Chart 5.2.2
Data table for chart 5.2.2
Table summary
This table displays the results of Data table for chart 5.2.2. The information is grouped by Constraint (appearing as row headers), Census count (in thousands), Design weights, Coverage and non-response adjusted weights and Final weights, calculated using difference (in thousands) units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Constraint Census count (in thousands) Design weights Coverage and non‑response adjusted weights Final weights
difference (in thousands)
POBG2_50 1 -0.01 0.00 -0.03
POBG2_9 2 0.10 0.11 0.14
POBG2_41 3 -0.03 0.03 0.01
POBG2_18 5 -0.14 -0.13 -0.05
POBG2_63 12 -0.07 -0.15 -0.07
POBG2_1 18 0.25 0.56 0.21
POBG2_51 21 -0.48 -0.29 -0.29
POBG2_55 22 0.02 0.40 0.26
POBG2_25 24 -0.29 -0.17 -0.32
POBG2_34 25 -0.45 -0.07 -0.14
POBG2_19 26 -0.20 -0.02 -0.09
POBG2_20 28 -0.12 -0.08 0.02
POBG2_68 31 -0.81 -0.33 -0.28
POBG2_57 31 -0.77 -0.30 -0.26
POBG2_39 34 0.17 -0.04 0.03
POBG2_65 34 0.04 0.15 0.02
POBG2_17 38 -0.64 -0.94 -0.52
POBG2_6 39 -0.57 -0.21 -0.47
POBG2_3 39 -0.03 0.20 0.14
POBG2_16 39 -0.36 -0.36 -0.02
POBG2_30 44 -0.43 0.51 0.38
POBG2_24 45 -0.88 -0.94 -0.61
POBG2_59 50 0.69 1.18 0.90
POBG3_16 52 0.78 1.28 1.04
POBG3_12 61 -0.01 0.60 0.40
POBG2_70 62 -1.14 -0.66 -1.11
POBG2_10 69 -1.22 -0.44 -0.32
POBG2_4 70 0.18 -0.18 -0.05
POBG2_27 70 -0.57 0.05 0.18
POBG2_46 74 -0.94 -0.70 -0.62
POBG2_35 75 -0.65 0.18 0.62
POBG2_7 77 -0.39 -0.22 -0.20
POBG3_3 82 -1.13 -1.43 -0.58
POBG2_36 82 -1.32 -0.43 -0.01
POBG2_56 87 -0.42 0.07 0.32
POBG2_29 88 0.84 0.61 0.84
POBG2_26 91 -0.42 0.34 0.26
POBG2_45 93 -1.06 0.31 0.46
POBG2_38 98 0.21 0.82 0.60
POBG2_11 101 0.15 -0.17 -0.05
POBG2_71 108 -0.65 0.38 0.21
POBG2_54 114 0.50 0.48 0.38
POBG2_60 129 -0.41 0.47 0.40
POBG2_69 133 -1.11 0.24 0.10
POBG2_33 134 -0.54 -0.56 -0.68
POBG2_37 135 -1.75 -0.61 -0.40
POBG2_22 139 -0.66 1.44 1.30
POBG2_31 146 -0.16 0.74 0.38
POBG2_40 148 1.00 -0.02 -0.07
POBG2_28 159 -2.09 -0.72 -0.33
POBG2_47 182 -2.61 -1.78 -1.61
POBG3_4 189 -1.35 0.42 0.46
POBG3_21 198 -2.27 -0.39 -1.01
POBG2_42 207 -3.75 -1.14 0.02
POBG2_32 208 -0.54 0.63 0.48
POBG2_67 226 -1.08 -0.10 0.34
POBG3_20 226 -1.08 -0.10 0.34
POBG3_5 230 -1.72 0.73 0.47
POBG3_19 239 -2.22 -0.60 -0.31
POBG3_7 261 -0.23 -0.63 -0.28
POBG3_22 269 -0.46 0.36 -0.16
POBG3_9 295 -2.91 -0.53 0.85
POBG3_18 334 -2.91 0.28 0.52
YRIMD_1980 337 -1.41 -1.33 -0.48
POBG2_66 340 -0.23 -0.10 -0.44
POBG3_10 357 -0.08 0.02 -0.32
POBG3_2 371 -1.75 0.03 -0.14
POBG3_14 373 -4.22 0.49 1.08
IR_LINK_YE 402 -8.86 -1.34 -0.31
HHSIZEGE6 450 -13.15 -3.29 -1.40
POBG2_48 453 -2.11 0.82 0.50
YRIMD_1986 479 -0.68 0.94 1.28
YRIMD_1996 665 -2.36 1.40 0.67
OLN_NO 679 -5.10 -1.79 -0.45
YRIMD_1991 705 0.44 1.60 0.88
POBG3_8 709 -5.66 -1.66 -1.73
COMLAWNO_SEP 717 -4.65 -0.27 0.24
POBG2_43 759 1.41 2.84 2.08
HHSIZE5 777 -6.23 1.88 2.32
YRIMD_M5 793 -9.60 2.09 1.29
YRIMG1_M5 793 -9.60 2.09 1.29
YRIMG1_1980 815 -2.10 -0.39 0.81
YRIMD_2001 834 -4.13 -0.52 -0.49
YRIMD_2006 938 -3.00 -0.09 0.12
POBG2_21 973 -1.87 1.14 0.80
POBG3_15 992 0.94 3.77 2.76
YRIMD_2011 1,045 -6.79 0.15 -0.95
YRIMG1_2011 1,045 -6.79 0.15 -0.95
YRIMD_1900 1,058 -6.08 0.21 0.12
YRIMG1_1900 1,058 -6.08 0.21 0.12
POBG3_6 1,156 -0.52 1.21 0.91
HHSIZEGE5 1,227 -19.38 -1.40 0.92
YRIMD_2016 1,266 -4.13 0.33 0.03
YRIMG1_2016 1,266 -4.13 0.33 0.03
POBG2_64 1,282 -7.94 1.61 -1.23
YRIMG1_1991 1,369 -1.92 3.01 1.55
COMLAWNO_WID 1,432 -2.75 -0.30 -0.44
POBG3_17 1,437 -8.80 1.82 -1.16
NOINEFAMHHSIZEGT1 1,517 -75.45 -9.95 -4.24
APT5PLUS 1,594 -8.19 -0.17 -0.22
LONEPAR 1,640 -19.20 -2.63 -7.33
YRIMG1_2001 1,772 -7.12 -0.61 -0.37
AGE4 1,783 -14.22 -0.76 -0.09
COMLAWNO_DIV 1,860 -10.25 0.17 0.20
AGE19 1,960 -18.32 5.62 5.21
HHSIZE4 1,984 -13.08 0.41 0.70
AGE9 2,005 -10.33 -0.73 0.82
AGE14 2,075 -13.34 0.44 -0.52
AGE24 2,151 -32.56 -7.03 -4.70
HHSIZE3 2,173 -11.92 -0.08 -0.19
AGE49 2,262 -7.90 -0.86 0.31
AGE54 2,321 -21.67 -0.62 -0.32
AGE44 2,356 -12.69 -0.39 -0.37
AGE29 2,368 -32.72 -1.65 -0.47
NOTINFAMHHSIZEGT1 2,415 -90.10 -8.62 -0.63
AGE39 2,465 -23.17 -0.59 0.11
AGE34 2,468 -28.30 -0.18 0.13
AGE64 2,517 -8.08 0.37 -0.01
AGE75PL 2,576 -7.27 0.12 0.60
AGE59 2,594 -12.19 -0.47 0.16
APTLT5 2,729 -14.58 -0.69 0.07
OTHERDTYPE 2,742 -13.95 -0.08 0.26
FEMALELT15 2,854 -18.85 -0.42 -0.03
MALELT15 3,010 -19.04 -0.62 0.24
HHINC_P100 3,705 -26.41 -1.95 -0.04
HHINC_P50 3,706 -13.96 -1.91 -0.17
HHINC_SADA_P100 3,707 -24.37 -0.46 -0.07
HHINC_SADA_P50 3,707 -13.70 0.18 0.89
HHINC_SADA_P75 3,707 -15.53 0.21 -0.10
HHINC_SADA_P25 3,707 -4.71 0.07 -0.72
HHINC_P75 3,707 -13.67 4.53 0.21
HHINC_P25 3,709 -4.28 -0.67 -0.01
COMLAW_YE 3,837 -24.10 -1.22 -1.67
LIM_YE 3,891 -21.53 -1.87 1.08
AGE74 3,959 -5.09 0.36 -0.87
OLN_FR 3,997 -13.80 -0.43 0.08
COMLAWNO_OTHERS 4,009 -17.66 -0.41 0.00
AGE15_24 4,111 -50.88 -1.41 0.51
NOCLDFAM 4,258 -13.44 0.52 -2.33
HHSIZE1 4,356 7.33 0.28 -1.52
NOINEFAMHHSIZEEQ1 4,356 7.33 0.28 -1.52
NOTINFAMHHSIZEEQ1 4,356 7.33 0.28 -1.52
AGE45_54 4,583 -29.57 -1.47 -0.01
AGE35_44 4,820 -35.86 -0.97 -0.27
AGE25_34 4,836 -61.02 -1.82 -0.33
HHSIZE2 5,087 -21.26 0.79 0.10
AGE55_64 5,111 -20.27 -0.10 0.14
EMPIN_P100 5,232 -19.93 -0.85 -0.80
EMPIN_P50 5,233 -47.63 0.10 -0.86
EMPIN_SADA_P50 5,234 -48.31 1.78 0.26
EMPIN_SADA_P100 5,234 -17.69 0.30 0.27
EMPIN_SADA_P75 5,234 -29.01 -0.14 -0.48
EMPIN_P75 5,235 -28.69 2.34 0.76
EMPIN_SADA_P25 5,235 -53.92 -4.08 0.03
EMPIN_P25 5,237 -52.67 -3.74 0.97
AGE00_14 5,863 -37.89 -1.05 0.22
COMLAWNO_SINGLE_LT15 5,863 -37.89 -1.05 0.22
EMPIN_P0_LT15 5,863 -37.89 -1.05 0.22
EMPIN_SADA_P0_LT15 5,863 -37.89 -1.05 0.22
TPERLT15 5,863 -37.89 -1.05 0.22
NOINEFAM 5,873 -68.13 -9.67 -5.76
CHILDFAM 5,885 -38.28 -1.08 -0.68
AGE15_29 6,479 -83.60 -3.06 0.05
OLN_BI 6,523 -40.93 -0.14 1.62
AGE65PL 6,535 -12.36 0.49 -0.27
NB_NOTINCF 6,771 -82.78 -8.33 -2.15
NOTINFAM 6,771 -82.78 -8.33 -2.15
HHINC_GT50 7,412 -40.08 2.58 0.18
HHINC_SADA_GT50 7,413 -39.90 -0.25 -0.16
HHINC_SADA_LE50 7,414 -18.41 0.25 0.16
HHINC_LE50 7,415 -18.23 -2.58 -0.18
AGE50_64 7,432 -41.94 -0.72 -0.17
SNGLDET 7,762 -21.60 0.94 -0.11
COMLAWNO_SINGLE_GE15 8,646 -120.24 -2.91 -0.74
EMPIN_P0_GE15 9,058 -61.03 -3.13 -0.29
EMPIN_SADA_P0_GE15 9,058 -61.03 -3.13 -0.29
AGE30_49 9,550 -72.06 -2.00 0.18
TOTCFAM 10,142 -51.72 -0.56 -3.01
CHILD 10,442 -80.83 0.49 0.84
EMPIN_GT50 10,467 -48.62 1.49 -0.04
EMPIN_SADA_GT50 10,468 -46.70 0.15 -0.22
EMPIN_SADA_LE50 10,469 -102.23 -2.30 0.29
EMPIN_LE50 10,470 -100.31 -3.65 0.11
MARRIED 13,504 -47.96 -0.76 2.20
COMLAWNO_SINGLE 14,509 -158.13 -3.95 -0.52
MALEGE15 14,692 -123.24 -3.75 -0.31
HHADA 14,827 -58.31 0.00 0.00
HHADACSD 14,827 -58.31 0.00 0.00
TOTHHLD 14,827 -58.31 0.00 0.00
EMPIN_P0 14,921 -98.92 -4.18 -0.07
EMPIN_SADA_P0 14,921 -98.92 -4.18 -0.07
FEMALEGE15 15,304 -86.72 -1.54 0.09
COUPLE 17,006 -65.04 4.15 8.64
COMLAWYE_MARRIED 17,341 -72.06 -1.97 0.53
MALE 17,701 -142.28 -4.37 -0.07
FEMALE 18,158 -105.56 -1.96 0.07
ADULTCF 18,645 -84.24 1.51 1.31
OLN_EN 24,660 -188.02 -3.97 -1.24
YRIMD_M3 27,741 -210.11 -11.12 -2.47
YRIMG1_M3 27,741 -210.11 -11.12 -2.47
INEFAM 29,986 -179.72 3.34 5.76
TPERGE15 29,996 -209.96 -5.29 -0.22
LIM_NO 31,967 -226.31 -4.46 -1.08
IR_LINK_NO 35,457 -238.99 -4.99 0.31
PPADA 35,859 -247.85 -6.33 0.00
PPADACSD 35,859 -247.85 -6.33 0.00
TOTPERS 35,859 -247.85 -6.33 0.00

Chart 5.2.3 Discrepancy  between census counts and final estimates, as a percentage of census counts

Data table for Chart 5.2.3
Data table for chart 5.2.3
Table summary
This table displays the results of Data table for chart 5.2.3. The information is grouped by Constraint (appearing as row headers), Counts (in thousands) and Discrepancy, final weights (%) (appearing as column headers).
Constraint Counts (in thousands) Discrepancy, final weights (%)
POBG2_50 1 -2.29
POBG2_9 2 7.91
POBG2_41 3 0.21
POBG2_18 5 -0.96
POBG2_63 12 -0.54
POBG2_1 18 1.15
POBG2_51 21 -1.42
POBG2_55 22 1.22
POBG2_25 24 -1.33
POBG2_34 25 -0.58
POBG2_19 26 -0.34
POBG2_20 28 0.09
POBG2_68 31 -0.91
POBG2_57 31 -0.84
POBG2_39 34 0.09
POBG2_65 34 0.07
POBG2_17 38 -1.39
POBG2_6 39 -1.22
POBG2_3 39 0.35
POBG2_16 39 -0.04
POBG2_30 44 0.86
POBG2_24 45 -1.34
POBG2_59 50 1.78
POBG3_16 52 1.99
POBG3_12 61 0.66
POBG2_70 62 -1.78
POBG2_10 69 -0.47
POBG2_4 70 -0.07
POBG2_27 70 0.25
POBG2_46 74 -0.84
POBG2_35 75 0.82
POBG2_7 77 -0.25
POBG3_3 82 -0.71
POBG2_36 82 -0.01
POBG2_56 87 0.37
POBG2_29 88 0.95
POBG2_26 91 0.29
POBG2_45 93 0.49
POBG2_38 98 0.62
POBG2_11 101 -0.05
POBG2_71 108 0.19
POBG2_54 114 0.33
POBG2_60 129 0.31
POBG2_69 133 0.07
POBG2_33 134 -0.51
POBG2_37 135 -0.30
POBG2_22 139 0.93
POBG2_31 146 0.26
POBG2_40 148 -0.05
POBG2_28 159 -0.21
POBG2_47 182 -0.89
POBG3_4 189 0.24
POBG3_21 198 -0.51
POBG2_42 207 0.01
POBG2_32 208 0.23
POBG2_67 226 0.15
POBG3_20 226 0.15
POBG3_5 230 0.20
POBG3_19 239 -0.13
POBG3_7 261 -0.11
POBG3_22 269 -0.06
POBG3_9 295 0.29
POBG3_18 334 0.15
YRIMD_1980 337 -0.14
POBG2_66 340 -0.13
POBG3_10 357 -0.09
POBG3_2 371 -0.04
POBG3_14 373 0.29
IR_LINK_YE 402 -0.08
HHSIZEGE6 450 -0.31
POBG2_48 453 0.11
YRIMD_1986 479 0.27
YRIMD_1996 665 0.10
OLN_NO 679 -0.07
YRIMD_1991 705 0.12
POBG3_8 709 -0.24
POBG2_43 759 0.27
HHSIZE5 777 0.30
YRIMD_M5 793 0.16
YRIMG1_M5 793 0.16
YRIMG1_1980 815 0.10
YRIMD_2001 834 -0.06
YRIMD_2006 938 0.01
POBG2_21 973 0.08
POBG3_15 992 0.28
YRIMD_2011 1,045 -0.09
YRIMG1_2011 1,045 -0.09
YRIMD_1900 1,058 0.01
YRIMG1_1900 1,058 0.01
POBG3_6 1,156 0.08
HHSIZEGE5 1,227 0.07
YRIMD_2016 1,266 0.00
YRIMG1_2016 1,266 0.00
POBG2_64 1,282 -0.10
YRIMG1_1991 1,369 0.11
COMLAWNO_WID 1,432 -0.03
POBG3_17 1,437 -0.08
APT5PLUS 1,594 -0.01
LONEPAR 1,640 -0.45
YRIMG1_2001 1,772 -0.02
AGE4 1,783 0.00
COMLAWNO_DIV 1,860 0.01
AGE19 1,960 0.27
HHSIZE4 1,984 0.04
AGE9 2,005 0.04
AGE14 2,075 -0.03
AGE24 2,151 -0.22
HHSIZE3 2,173 -0.01
AGE49 2,262 0.01
AGE54 2,321 -0.01
AGE44 2,356 -0.02
AGE29 2,368 -0.02
AGE39 2,465 0.00
AGE34 2,468 0.01
AGE64 2,517 0.00
AGE75PL 2,576 0.02
AGE59 2,594 0.01
APTLT5 2,729 0.00
OTHERDTYPE 2,742 0.01
FEMALELT15 2,854 0.00
MALELT15 3,010 0.01
HHINC_P100 3,705 0.00
HHINC_P50 3,706 0.00
HHINC_SADA_P100 3,707 0.00
HHINC_SADA_P50 3,707 0.02
HHINC_SADA_P75 3,707 0.00
HHINC_SADA_P25 3,707 -0.02
HHINC_P75 3,707 0.01
HHINC_P25 3,709 0.00
COMLAW_YE 3,837 -0.04
LIM_YE 3,891 0.03
AGE74 3,959 -0.02
OLN_FR 3,997 0.00
AGE15_24 4,111 0.01
NOCLDFAM 4,258 -0.05
HHSIZE1 4,356 -0.03
AGE45_54 4,583 0.00
AGE35_44 4,820 -0.01
AGE25_34 4,836 -0.01
HHSIZE2 5,087 0.00
AGE55_64 5,111 0.00
EMPIN_P100 5,232 -0.02
EMPIN_P50 5,233 -0.02
EMPIN_SADA_P50 5,234 0.01
EMPIN_SADA_P100 5,234 0.01
EMPIN_SADA_P75 5,234 -0.01
EMPIN_P75 5,235 0.01
EMPIN_SADA_P25 5,235 0.00
EMPIN_P25 5,237 0.02
AGE00_14 5,863 0.00
EMPIN_P0_LT15 5,863 0.00
EMPIN_SADA_P0_LT15 5,863 0.00
TPERLT15 5,863 0.00
NOINEFAM 5,873 -0.10
CHILDFAM 5,885 -0.01
AGE15_29 6,479 0.00
OLN_BI 6,523 0.02
AGE65PL 6,535 0.00
NB_NOTINCF 6,771 -0.03
NOTINFAM 6,771 -0.03
HHINC_GT50 7,412 0.00
HHINC_SADA_GT50 7,413 0.00
HHINC_SADA_LE50 7,414 0.00
HHINC_LE50 7,415 0.00
AGE50_64 7,432 0.00
SNGLDET 7,762 0.00
COMLAWNO_SINGLE_GE15 8,646 -0.01
EMPIN_P0_GE15 9,058 0.00
EMPIN_SADA_P0_GE15 9,058 0.00
AGE30_49 9,550 0.00
TOTCFAM 10,142 -0.03
CHILD 10,442 0.01
EMPIN_GT50 10,467 0.00
EMPIN_SADA_GT50 10,468 0.00
EMPIN_SADA_LE50 10,469 0.00
EMPIN_LE50 10,470 0.00
MARRIED 13,504 0.02
MALEGE15 14,692 0.00
HHADA 14,827 0.00
HHADACSD 14,827 0.00
TOTHHLD 14,827 0.00
EMPIN_P0 14,921 0.00
EMPIN_SADA_P0 14,921 0.00
FEMALEGE15 15,304 0.00
COUPLE 17,006 0.05
MALE 17,701 0.00
FEMALE 18,158 0.00
ADULTCF 18,645 0.01
OLN_EN 24,660 -0.01
YRIMD_M3 27,741 -0.01
YRIMG1_M3 27,741 -0.01
INEFAM 29,986 0.02
TPERGE15 29,996 0.00
LIM_NO 31,967 0.00
IR_LINK_NO 35,457 0.00
PPADA 35,859 0.00
PPADACSD 35,859 0.00
TOTPERS 35,859 0.00
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