Variation de la population de 2016 à 2021, selon les subdivisions de recensement (SDR)

Téléchargement de la carte

Cette carte montre la variation, en pourcentage, de la population de 2016 à 2021 selon les subdivisions de recensement en Saskatchewan.

Description de la carte



Pour chaque subdivision de recensement (SDR) d'une province ou d'un territoire donné, ce tableau montre la catégorie associée à la variation de la population de 2016 à 2021 de la SDR.

Les catégories des classifications de variation de la population de 2016 à 2021 sont représentées par différentes couleurs
Catégorie Pourcentage de la variation de la population, 2016 à 2021 Couleur
1 ≥ 10,0 % Violet foncé
2 0,0 % à < 10,0 % Violet pâle
3 -10,0 % à < 0,0 % Orange pâle
4 < -10,0 % Orange foncé
5 Non disponible Blanc avec une hachure grise
6 Peu peuplée (à l'extérieur de l'écoumène de population) Gris pâle

Un trait gris délimite les subdivisions de recensement.



Le tableau suivant contient une liste des subdivisions de recensement de la Saskatchewan, les valeurs des données qui leur sont associées et la catégorie correspondante à ces valeurs.

Les subdivisions de recensement de la Saskatchewan selon la variation de la population de 2016 à 2021, et la catégorie associée
Identificateur unique de la subdivision de recensement Nom de la subdivision de recensement Pourcentage Catégorie
2021A00054701001 Argyle No. 1 14,1 1
2021A00054701002 Gainsborough -10,6 4
2021A00054701004 Carievale -64,6 4
2021A00054701006 Mount Pleasant No. 2 1,2 2
2021A00054701008 Carnduff 4,6 2
2021A00054701011 Enniskillen No. 3 -8,1 3
2021A00054701012 Glen Ewen 3,2 2
2021A00054701014 Oxbow -3,2 3
2021A00054701016 Coalfields No. 4 -10,3 4
2021A00054701017 Frobisher -20,6 4
2021A00054701018 North Portal -1,7 3
2021A00054701019 Roche Percée -31,8 4
2021A00054701021 Bienfait -12,3 4
2021A00054701022 Estevan No. 5 -6,6 3
2021A00054701024 Estevan -5,5 3
2021A00054701027 Benson No. 35 -4,7 3
2021A00054701031 Browning No. 34 -5,3 3
2021A00054701032 Lampman -0,3 3
2021A00054701036 Moose Creek No. 33 -19,3 4
2021A00054701037 Alameda -6,5 3
2021A00054701039 Reciprocity No. 32 2,0 2
2021A00054701041 Alida -14,2 4
2021A00054701043 Storthoaks No. 31 4,8 2
2021A00054701044 Storthoaks -20,4 4
2021A00054701047 Antler No. 61 -13,8 4
2021A00054701049 Redvers -3,3 3
2021A00054701053 Moose Mountain No. 63 -0,6 3
2021A00054701054 Manor 3,4 2
2021A00054701056 Carlyle 1,1 2
2021A00054701058 Brock No. 64 -5,6 3
2021A00054701059 Arcola -3,2 3
2021A00054701061 Kisbey 3,3 2
2021A00054701063 Tecumseh No. 65 -5,9 3
2021A00054701064 Forget -36,4 4
2021A00054701066 Stoughton 0,5 2
2021A00054701067 Heward -31,8 4
2021A00054701069 Golden West No. 95 -0,7 3
2021A00054701072 Hazelwood No. 94 6,1 2
2021A00054701076 Wawken No. 93 7,5 2
2021A00054701077 Kennedy 7,4 2
2021A00054701078 Wawota 2,2 2
2021A00054701079 Kenosee Lake 0,9 2
2021A00054701091 Walpole No. 92 -10,4 4
2021A00054701094 Maryfield No. 91 -20,4 4
2021A00054701096 Maryfield -10,6 4
2021A00054701098 Fairlight -37,5 4
2021A00054701808 White Bear 70 4,5 2
2021A00054701809 Ocean Man 69 -11,4 4
2021A00054701810 Ocean Man 69A .. 5
2021A00054701812 Ocean Man 69C .. 5
2021A00054701813 Ocean Man 69E .. 5
2021A00054701814 Ocean Man 69F .. 5
2021A00054701815 Ocean Man 69G .. 5
2021A00054701816 Ocean Man 69I 0,0 2
2021A00054701817 Ocean Man 69H 0,0 2
2021A00054701818 Ocean Man 69D -100,0 4
2021A00054701819 Pheasant Rump Nakota 68 28,6 1
2021A00054702001 Cambria No. 6 -10,4 4
2021A00054702002 Torquay -15,7 4
2021A00054702006 Souris Valley No. 7 -11,6 4
2021A00054702008 Tribune -44,4 4
2021A00054702011 Lake Alma No. 8 -1,1 3
2021A00054702014 Surprise Valley No. 9 -2,8 3
2021A00054702016 Minton -9,1 3
2021A00054702018 Happy Valley No. 10 -10,1 4
2021A00054702023 Bengough 0,0 2
2021A00054702024 Bengough No. 40 8,5 2
2021A00054702026 The Gap No. 39 -9,0 3
2021A00054702028 Ceylon -12,6 4
2021A00054702029 Laurier No. 38 -14,5 4
2021A00054702031 Radville -3,6 3
2021A00054702033 Lomond No. 37 -7,1 3
2021A00054702036 Goodwater 33,3 1
2021A00054702037 Cymri No. 36 3,5 2
2021A00054702038 Halbrite -7,6 3
2021A00054702039 Midale -15,6 4
2021A00054702041 Macoun 1,1 2
2021A00054702042 Griffin No. 66 -1,8 3
2021A00054702044 Weyburn No. 67 3,7 2
2021A00054702047 Weyburn 1,4 2
2021A00054702048 McTaggart 3,3 2
2021A00054702051 Brokenshell No. 68 -1,6 3
2021A00054702052 Norton No. 69 0,0 2
2021A00054702054 Pangman 2,6 2
2021A00054702057 Key West No. 70 -1,6 3
2021A00054702058 Ogema -5,0 3
2021A00054702061 Elmsthorpe No. 100 -13,7 4
2021A00054702062 Avonlea 4,6 2
2021A00054702066 Caledonia No. 99 -8,2 3
2021A00054702067 Milestone -2,4 3
2021A00054702069 Scott No. 98 10,3 1
2021A00054702071 Lang -6,9 3
2021A00054702072 Yellow Grass 1,0 2
2021A00054702073 Wellington No. 97 -26,1 4
2021A00054702076 Fillmore No. 96 0,4 2
2021A00054702077 Osage 25,0 1
2021A00054702078 Fillmore -9,3 3
2021A00054702079 Creelman -8,8 3
2021A00054703001 Hart Butte No. 11 4,4 2
2021A00054703004 Coronach -4,8 3
2021A00054703006 Poplar Valley No. 12 -2,6 3
2021A00054703009 Rockglen -9,5 3
2021A00054703011 Old Post No. 43 -6,6 3
2021A00054703012 Wood Mountain 0,0 2
2021A00054703016 Glen McPherson No. 46 5,6 2
2021A00054703018 Mankota No. 45 -1,0 3
2021A00054703019 Mankota -3,4 3
2021A00054703022 Waverley No. 44 -12,2 4
2021A00054703026 Willow Bunch No. 42 -6,9 3
2021A00054703028 Willow Bunch 9,9 2
2021A00054703029 Excel No. 71 5,1 2
2021A00054703034 Lake of the Rivers No. 72 -9,7 3
2021A00054703036 Assiniboia -3,8 3
2021A00054703038 Stonehenge No. 73 1,3 2
2021A00054703041 Limerick -0,9 3
2021A00054703042 Wood River No. 74 7,6 2
2021A00054703044 Lafleche -2,4 3
2021A00054703048 Pinto Creek No. 75 -12,8 4
2021A00054703051 Kincaid 8,1 2
2021A00054703052 Hazenmore 15,4 1
2021A00054703054 Auvergne No. 76 -7,5 3
2021A00054703058 Ponteix 2,5 2
2021A00054703059 Whiska Creek No. 106 10,1 1
2021A00054703061 Neville 1,1 2
2021A00054703062 Vanguard 37,3 1
2021A00054703064 Glen Bain No. 105 8,3 2
2021A00054703068 Gravelbourg No. 104 -14,8 4
2021A00054703071 Gravelbourg -9,0 3
2021A00054703074 Sutton No. 103 -4,2 3
2021A00054703092 Mossbank 2,2 2
2021A00054703093 Lake Johnston No. 102 -17,6 4
2021A00054703096 Terrell No. 101 -12,9 4
2021A00054703801 Wood Mountain 160 -20,0 4
2021A00054704002 Val Marie -4,8 3
2021A00054704003 Val Marie No. 17 2,9 2
2021A00054704006 Lone Tree No. 18 -6,7 3
2021A00054704008 Bracken 0,0 2
2021A00054704009 Climax -29,7 4
2021A00054704011 Frontier No. 19 6,4 2
2021A00054704012 Frontier -2,2 3
2021A00054704019 Reno No. 51 -9,5 3
2021A00054704021 Consul -31,5 4
2021A00054704024 White Valley No. 49 -26,4 4
2021A00054704026 Eastend 20,7 1
2021A00054704028 Wise Creek No. 77 -8,3 3
2021A00054704029 Cadillac 26,1 1
2021A00054704034 Grassy Creek No. 78 -6,3 3
2021A00054704036 Shaunavon 4,1 2
2021A00054704038 Arlington No. 79 -1,9 3
2021A00054704045 Maple Creek No. 111 9,8 2
2021A00054704048 Maple Creek 4,4 2
2021A00054704050 Piapot No. 110 -7,3 3
2021A00054704054 Carmichael No. 109 -8,0 3
2021A00054704058 Bone Creek No. 108 -8,1 3
2021A00054704061 Lac Pelletier No. 107 3,1 2
2021A00054704802 Nekaneet Cree Nation -9,6 3
2021A00054705001 Moosomin No. 121 -10,3 4
2021A00054705002 Fleming -16,7 4
2021A00054705004 Moosomin -3,1 3
2021A00054705007 Martin No. 122 -12,1 4
2021A00054705009 Wapella -14,7 4
2021A00054705011 Silverwood No. 123 -13,4 4
2021A00054705014 Kingsley No. 124 -10,8 4
2021A00054705016 Kipling 0,2 2
2021A00054705018 Chester No. 125 -13,1 4
2021A00054705019 Windthorst -8,1 3
2021A00054705021 Glenavon -1,6 3
2021A00054705024 Wolseley -0,2 3
2021A00054705027 Wolseley No. 155 -1,6 3
2021A00054705028 Elcapo No. 154 -19,7 4
2021A00054705029 Grenfell -3,6 3
2021A00054705031 Broadview -2,0 3
2021A00054705033 Willowdale No. 153 -15,6 4
2021A00054705034 Whitewood 9,5 2
2021A00054705037 Rocanville No. 151 7,3 2
2021A00054705038 Rocanville 3,0 2
2021A00054705041 Spy Hill No. 152 18,6 1
2021A00054705042 Tantallon -7,7 3
2021A00054705043 Spy Hill 3,0 2
2021A00054705044 Gerald -5,1 3
2021A00054705047 Langenburg No. 181 0,7 2
2021A00054705048 Langenburg 5,4 2
2021A00054705049 Yarbo -15,8 4
2021A00054705050 West End 10,8 1
2021A00054705051 Fertile Belt No. 183 -6,9 3
2021A00054705052 Esterhazy -6,3 3
2021A00054705053 Atwater -10,0 3
2021A00054705054 Bangor 5,3 2
2021A00054705055 Bird's Point 33,9 1
2021A00054705056 Stockholm -6,5 3
2021A00054705057 Grayson No. 184 6,8 2
2021A00054705058 Dubuc 16,4 1
2021A00054705059 Grayson -12,3 4
2021A00054705060 Melville Beach 184,2 1
2021A00054705061 Waldron 0,0 2
2021A00054705062 Killaly -10,8 4
2021A00054705063 McLeod No. 185 9,9 2
2021A00054705064 Neudorf 3,4 2
2021A00054705066 Lemberg -15,0 4
2021A00054705067 Stanley No. 215 0,6 2
2021A00054705068 Duff -16,7 4
2021A00054705069 Goodeve 0,0 2
2021A00054705071 Fenwood 40,0 1
2021A00054705073 Cana No. 214 4,3 2
2021A00054705074 Melville -1,5 3
2021A00054705077 Saltcoats No. 213 4,4 2
2021A00054705078 Saltcoats -2,3 3
2021A00054705079 Bredenbury 3,8 2
2021A00054705093 Churchbridge No. 211 -5,7 3
2021A00054705094 Churchbridge -3,3 3
2021A00054705096 MacNutt -23,1 4
2021A00054705803 Cowessess 73 19,4 1
2021A00054705804 Kahkewistahaw 72 24,9 1
2021A00054705805 Sakimay 74 70,1 1
2021A00054705806 Ochapowace 71 17,6 1
2021A00054705807 Shesheep 74A -11,7 4
2021A00054705808 Little Bone 74B 70,8 1
2021A00054705814 Ochapowace 71-10 .. 5
2021A00054705815 Kahkewistahaw No. 72-W .. 5
2021A00054705818 Ochapowace 71-54 .. 5
2021A00054705823 Ochapowace 71-7 .. 5
2021A00054705824 Ochapowace 71-18 .. 5
2021A00054705828 Kahkewistahaw No. 72-Q -100,0 4
2021A00054706001 Montmartre No. 126 -27,5 4
2021A00054706002 Montmartre -8,2 3
2021A00054706003 Kendal -28,9 4
2021A00054706004 Francis No. 127 4,0 2
2021A00054706006 Odessa 7,3 2
2021A00054706007 Vibank 0,3 2
2021A00054706008 Sedley 2,5 2
2021A00054706009 Francis -16,1 4
2021A00054706011 Lajord No. 128 -20,0 4
2021A00054706013 Bratt's Lake No. 129 4,1 2
2021A00054706014 Wilcox -1,1 3
2021A00054706016 Redburn No. 130 1,2 2
2021A00054706017 Rouleau -6,5 3
2021A00054706018 Briercrest -2,5 3
2021A00054706019 Drinkwater 5,7 2
2021A00054706021 Pense No. 160 -13,2 4
2021A00054706022 Belle Plaine -7,1 3
2021A00054706023 Pense 2,7 2
2021A00054706026 Sherwood No. 159 25,2 1
2021A00054706027 Regina 5,3 2
2021A00054706028 Grand Coulee -6,6 3
2021A00054706029 Edenwold No. 158 -0,5 3
2021A00054706030 White City 19,5 1
2021A00054706031 Pilot Butte 23,4 1
2021A00054706032 Balgonie -0,5 3
2021A00054706033 Edenwold 4,3 2
2021A00054706034 South Qu'Appelle No. 157 -3,5 3
2021A00054706036 Qu'Appelle -2,2 3
2021A00054706037 McLean -3,2 3
2021A00054706038 Indian Head No. 156 7,7 2
2021A00054706039 Indian Head -0,4 3
2021A00054706041 Sintaluta 4,2 2
2021A00054706042 Abernethy No. 186 -6,9 3
2021A00054706045 Fort San 5,0 2
2021A00054706046 Abernethy -6,9 3
2021A00054706047 Balcarres 4,9 2
2021A00054706048 North Qu'Appelle No. 187 7,4 2
2021A00054706049 Lebret 2,3 2
2021A00054706050 Katepwa 72,8 1
2021A00054706051 Fort Qu'Appelle -3,4 3
2021A00054706052 B-Say-Tah 13,5 1
2021A00054706053 Lumsden No. 189 1,5 2
2021A00054706054 Disley -13,4 4
2021A00054706055 Buena Vista 5,6 2
2021A00054706056 Lumsden -1,3 3
2021A00054706057 Lumsden Beach 350,0 1
2021A00054706058 Regina Beach 12,8 1
2021A00054706059 Dufferin No. 190 -18,8 4
2021A00054706060 Wee Too Beach -5,1 3
2021A00054706061 Bethune 40,4 1
2021A00054706062 Findlater 33,3 1
2021A00054706063 Sarnia No. 221 1,2 2
2021A00054706064 Chamberlain 6,7 2
2021A00054706065 Alice Beach 60,8 1
2021A00054706067 Holdfast -30,0 4
2021A00054706068 Dilke -38,8 4
2021A00054706069 Grandview Beach 237,1 1
2021A00054706070 Longlaketon No. 219 7,9 2
2021A00054706071 McKillop No. 220 22,5 1
2021A00054706072 Saskatchewan Beach 24,8 1
2021A00054706073 Bulyea 7,1 2
2021A00054706074 Strasbourg -1,5 3
2021A00054706075 Kannata Valley 43,2 1
2021A00054706076 Sunset Cove 16,7 1
2021A00054706077 Silton 33,8 1
2021A00054706078 Craven 24,3 1
2021A00054706079 Earl Grey -6,9 3
2021A00054706080 Glen Harbour 35,8 1
2021A00054706081 North Grove 32,6 1
2021A00054706082 Pelican Pointe 35,7 1
2021A00054706085 Island View 81,1 1
2021A00054706091 Cupar No. 218 2,6 2
2021A00054706092 Southey 3,5 2
2021A00054706093 Markinch -5,2 3
2021A00054706094 Cupar 6,0 2
2021A00054706096 Lipton No. 217 1,8 2
2021A00054706097 Dysart -6,0 3
2021A00054706098 Lipton -17,7 4
2021A00054706099 Tullymet No. 216 -8,5 3
2021A00054706809 Piapot 75 31,2 1
2021A00054706810 Assiniboine 76 58,7 1
2021A00054706811 Standing Buffalo 78 3,0 2
2021A00054706812 Pasqua 79 23,4 1
2021A00054706813 Muscowpetung 80 0,7 2
2021A00054706814 Little Black Bear 84 26,3 1
2021A00054706815 Okanese 82 21,7 1
2021A00054706816 Peepeekisis 81 3,9 2
2021A00054706818 Star Blanket 83 -5,7 3
2021A00054706820 Wa-Pii Moos-Toosis (White Calf) 83A -4,8 3
2021A00054706828 Star Blanket 83C .. 5
2021A00054706829 Treaty Four Reserve Grounds 77 .. 5
2021A00054706830 Carry the Kettle 76-19 .. 5
2021A00054706831 Carry the Kettle 76-110 .. 5
2021A00054707001 Baildon No. 131 -6,0 3
2021A00054707004 Hillsborough No. 132 -4,0 3
2021A00054707006 Rodgers No. 133 16,7 1
2021A00054707008 Coderre 0,0 2
2021A00054707011 Shamrock No. 134 -5,4 3
2021A00054707012 Shamrock 0,0 2
2021A00054707014 Lawtonia No. 135 2,9 2
2021A00054707016 Hodgeville -14,5 4
2021A00054707018 Coulee No. 136 18,8 1
2021A00054707020 Beaver Flat 13,9 1
2021A00054707021 Excelsior No. 166 0,2 2
2021A00054707022 Waldeck 6,1 2
2021A00054707023 Rush Lake 3,8 2
2021A00054707024 Morse No. 165 -7,3 3
2021A00054707026 Herbert -10,0 3
2021A00054707027 Morse -10,7 4
2021A00054707028 Ernfold 33,3 1
2021A00054707029 Chaplin No. 164 12,4 1
2021A00054707031 Chaplin -3,1 3
2021A00054707032 Wheatlands No. 163 5,4 2
2021A00054707034 Mortlach 5,0 2
2021A00054707036 Caron No. 162 4,7 2
2021A00054707037 Caronport 3,9 2
2021A00054707038 Moose Jaw No. 161 5,6 2
2021A00054707039 Moose Jaw -0,7 3
2021A00054707042 Marquis No. 191 -2,9 3
2021A00054707043 Tuxford -8,8 3
2021A00054707044 Marquis -7,2 3
2021A00054707045 Sun Valley 30,5 1
2021A00054707047 Eyebrow No. 193 12,8 1
2021A00054707048 Brownlee 0,0 2
2021A00054707049 Eyebrow 9,2 2
2021A00054707051 South Lake 33,7 1
2021A00054707053 Enfield No. 194 18,6 1
2021A00054707054 Central Butte 11,8 1
2021A00054707058 Canaan No. 225 3,6 2
2021A00054707059 Lucky Lake -6,6 3
2021A00054707062 Beechy -8,3 3
2021A00054707063 Victory No. 226 14,2 1
2021A00054707066 King George No. 256 -21,2 4
2021A00054707067 Coteau No. 255 -15,6 4
2021A00054707068 Coteau Beach 254,2 1
2021A00054707071 Maple Bush No. 224 10,9 1
2021A00054707072 Riverhurst 16,9 1
2021A00054707074 Mistusinne 53,2 1
2021A00054707076 Huron No. 223 3,5 2
2021A00054707077 Tugaske 5,3 2
2021A00054707091 Craik No. 222 5,0 2
2021A00054707092 Craik 3,3 2
2021A00054707093 Aylesbury 67,5 1
2021A00054708001 Swift Current No. 137 3,3 2
2021A00054708004 Swift Current 0,9 2
2021A00054708006 Webb No. 138 4,8 2
2021A00054708008 Webb 42,0 1
2021A00054708009 Gull Lake No. 139 -8,0 3
2021A00054708011 Gull Lake -13,2 4
2021A00054708012 Tompkins 0,7 2
2021A00054708016 Big Stick No. 141 8,8 2
2021A00054708018 Golden Prairie 0,0 2
2021A00054708021 Enterprise No. 142 0,0 2
2021A00054708022 Richmound -19,7 4
2021A00054708024 Fox Valley No. 171 4,2 2
2021A00054708026 Fox Valley 4,0 2
2021A00054708028 Pittville No. 169 -3,4 3
2021A00054708029 Hazlet -15,1 4
2021A00054708031 Riverside No. 168 -8,6 3
2021A00054708032 Cabri 5,9 2
2021A00054708034 Pennant -7,7 3
2021A00054708036 Success 0,0 2
2021A00054708038 Saskatchewan Landing No. 167 4,6 2
2021A00054708039 Stewart Valley 17,6 1
2021A00054708042 Lacadena No. 228 47,1 1
2021A00054708044 Kyle -8,0 3
2021A00054708046 Miry Creek No. 229 2,2 2
2021A00054708048 Abbey -22,5 4
2021A00054708049 Lancer -15,9 4
2021A00054708053 Clinworth No. 230 9,1 2
2021A00054708054 Sceptre -17,0 4
2021A00054708056 Happyland No. 231 14,5 1
2021A00054708057 Prelate -24,7 4
2021A00054708058 Leader 2,1 2
2021A00054708059 Mendham -16,7 4
2021A00054708061 Deer Forks No. 232 -0,5 3
2021A00054708062 Burstall 8,6 2
2021A00054708065 Chesterfield No. 261 -12,9 4
2021A00054708068 Eatonia -5,0 3
2021A00054708071 Newcombe No. 260 4,1 2
2021A00054708074 Snipe Lake No. 259 3,5 2
2021A00054708076 Eston -8,4 3
2021A00054708092 Monet No. 257 -2,9 3
2021A00054708094 Elrose -5,2 3
2021A00054709001 Calder No. 241 -7,0 3
2021A00054709002 Calder -10,0 3
2021A00054709006 Wallace No. 243 3,4 2
2021A00054709009 Rhein -12,4 4
2021A00054709011 Orkney No. 244 0,4 2
2021A00054709012 Yorkton -0,4 3
2021A00054709014 Ebenezer 1,6 2
2021A00054709016 Springside -4,8 3
2021A00054709019 Garry No. 245 1,6 2
2021A00054709023 Insinger No. 275 -3,2 3
2021A00054709024 Sheho 16,2 1
2021A00054709028 Theodore -2,5 3
2021A00054709029 Good Lake No. 274 24,5 1
2021A00054709032 Canora 3,4 2
2021A00054709033 Sliding Hills No. 273 4,0 2
2021A00054709037 Cote No. 271 12,4 1
2021A00054709038 Togo -3,5 3
2021A00054709039 Kamsack -6,3 3
2021A00054709042 St. Philips No. 301 -9,1 3
2021A00054709044 Pelly -10,5 4
2021A00054709046 Keys No. 303 31,7 1
2021A00054709049 Buchanan No. 304 22,2 1
2021A00054709053 Buchanan 8,7 2
2021A00054709054 Invermay No. 305 -17,2 4
2021A00054709056 Rama -12,5 4
2021A00054709058 Invermay -0,4 3
2021A00054709060 Hazel Dell No. 335 -0,8 3
2021A00054709061 Lintlaw -12,8 4
2021A00054709062 Preeceville No. 334 5,1 2
2021A00054709064 Preeceville -5,6 3
2021A00054709065 Endeavour 15,4 1
2021A00054709066 Sturgis 0,3 2
2021A00054709067 Clayton No. 333 5,7 2
2021A00054709069 Stenen -1,1 3
2021A00054709071 Hyas 36,9 1
2021A00054709072 Norquay -3,2 3
2021A00054709075 Livingston No. 331 0,0 2
2021A00054709076 Arran -20,0 4
2021A00054709819 Cote 64 6,8 2
2021A00054709820 Keeseekoose 66 22,0 1
2021A00054709821 The Key 65 -2,7 3
2021A00054709822 Keeseekoose 66A 400,0 1
2021A00054709824 Keeseekoose 66-CA-04 .. 5
2021A00054709826 Keeseekoose 66-CA-05 .. 5
2021A00054709828 Keeseekoose 66-CA-06 .. 5
2021A00054709830 Keeseekoose 66-KE-04 .. 5
2021A00054709832 Keeseekoose 66-KE-05 300,0 1
2021A00054710002 Hubbard 28,6 1
2021A00054710003 Ituna Bon Accord No. 246 -12,6 4
2021A00054710004 Ituna 3,6 2
2021A00054710008 Kellross No. 247 0,3 2
2021A00054710009 Kelliher 12,4 1
2021A00054710011 Leross -13,0 4
2021A00054710014 Touchwood No. 248 8,7 2
2021A00054710022 Semans -8,2 3
2021A00054710024 Mount Hope No. 279 0,0 2
2021A00054710027 Raymore -11,8 4
2021A00054710028 Quinton -11,9 4
2021A00054710029 Punnichy -0,5 3
2021A00054710031 Emerald No. 277 -8,6 3
2021A00054710034 Chorney Beach 21,4 1
2021A00054710035 Leslie Beach 168,3 1
2021A00054710036 Foam Lake No. 276 0,6 2
2021A00054710038 Foam Lake 3,7 2
2021A00054710041 Elfros No. 307 -4,6 3
2021A00054710043 Elfros 0,0 2
2021A00054710046 Big Quill No. 308 -2,6 3
2021A00054710047 Wynyard -4,1 3
2021A00054710052 Prairie Rose No. 309 -11,4 4
2021A00054710054 Jansen 15,6 1
2021A00054710056 Leroy No. 339 -9,0 3
2021A00054710058 Leroy 13,3 1
2021A00054710061 Lakeside No. 338 -4,6 3
2021A00054710062 Watson 1,4 2
2021A00054710064 Quill Lake -2,6 3
2021A00054710066 Lakeview No. 337 -0,5 3
2021A00054710068 Wadena -1,5 3
2021A00054710071 Sasman No. 336 6,3 2
2021A00054710072 Margo -21,7 4
2021A00054710801 Muskowekwan 85-4 -100,0 4
2021A00054710822 Muskowekwan 85 13,3 1
2021A00054710823 Gordon 86 -8,8 3
2021A00054710824 Day Star 87 -2,0 3
2021A00054710825 Poorman 88 -7,3 3
2021A00054710826 Fishing Lake 89 24,6 1
2021A00054710828 Beardy's and Okemasis 96 and 97A -100,0 4
2021A00054710832 Muskowekwan 85-17 .. 5
2021A00054710834 Muskowekwan 85-26 .. 5
2021A00054710836 Muskowekwan 85-33 .. 5
2021A00054710838 Muskowekwan 85-28 .. 5
2021A00054710840 Muskowekwan 85-29 0,0 2
2021A00054710842 Muskowekwan 85-23 .. 5
2021A00054710843 Muskowekwan 85-12 .. 5
2021A00054710845 Muskowekwan 85-22 .. 5
2021A00054710846 Muskowekwan 85-27 .. 5
2021A00054710847 Muskowekwan 85-10 -100,0 4
2021A00054710848 Muskowekwan 85-1 .. 5
2021A00054710849 Muskowekwan 85-8 -100,0 4
2021A00054710850 Muskowekwan 85-15 -100,0 4
2021A00054710851 Muskowekwan 85-2A .. 5
2021A00054710852 Muskowekwan 85-31 .. 5
2021A00054711002 Duval 14,5 1
2021A00054711003 Last Mountain Valley No. 250 23,3 1
2021A00054711004 Govan 3,1 2
2021A00054711006 Big Arm No. 251 -3,7 3
2021A00054711007 Etters Beach 33,3 1
2021A00054711008 Imperial 3,3 2
2021A00054711009 Liberty -12,8 4
2021A00054711011 Arm River No. 252 3,2 2
2021A00054711014 Davidson -0,4 3
2021A00054711016 Willner No. 253 14,9 1
2021A00054711018 Loreburn No. 254 16,2 1
2021A00054711019 Elbow 1,2 2
2021A00054711021 Loreburn -6,5 3
2021A00054711022 Strongfield 37,5 1
2021A00054711024 Hawarden -3,8 3
2021A00054711026 Rudy No. 284 1,9 2
2021A00054711027 Outlook 2,5 2
2021A00054711028 Broderick 12,9 1
2021A00054711029 Glenside -3,9 3
2021A00054711031 Rosedale No. 283 3,0 2
2021A00054711032 Hanley 5,7 2
2021A00054711034 McCraney No. 282 -9,7 3
2021A00054711036 Kenaston 3,5 2
2021A00054711038 Bladworth 9,2 2
2021A00054711039 Wood Creek No. 281 -8,5 3
2021A00054711041 Simpson 3,1 2
2021A00054711042 Wreford No. 280 3,7 2
2021A00054711044 Nokomis 2,5 2
2021A00054711046 Usborne No. 310 -3,4 3
2021A00054711048 Drake 0,0 2
2021A00054711049 Lanigan 4,1 2
2021A00054711052 Morris No. 312 -9,3 3
2021A00054711053 Watrous -3,1 3
2021A00054711054 Manitou Beach 15,9 1
2021A00054711056 Young 3,7 2
2021A00054711058 Zelma -20,0 4
2021A00054711059 Lost River No. 313 4,1 2
2021A00054711060 Thode 3,8 2
2021A00054711061 Dundurn No. 314 -12,6 4
2021A00054711063 Dundurn 10,5 1
2021A00054711064 Shields 21,9 1
2021A00054711065 Corman Park No. 344 4,1 2
2021A00054711066 Saskatoon 7,7 2
2021A00054711067 Langham 1,5 2
2021A00054711068 Warman 12,7 1
2021A00054711069 Blucher No. 343 -1,1 3
2021A00054711070 Martensville 9,3 2
2021A00054711071 Bradwell -1,2 3
2021A00054711072 Allan -3,0 3
2021A00054711073 Dalmeny -3,3 3
2021A00054711075 Osler 1,1 2
2021A00054711076 Colonsay No. 342 -3,3 3
2021A00054711077 Clavet 9,8 2
2021A00054711078 Meacham -3,0 3
2021A00054711079 Colonsay -1,1 3
2021A00054711091 Viscount No. 341 -5,3 3
2021A00054711092 Viscount 21,6 1
2021A00054711094 Plunkett 0,0 2
2021A00054711096 Wolverine No. 340 6,5 2
2021A00054711828 Whitecap 13,3 1
2021A00054712001 Pleasant Valley No. 288 -0,3 3
2021A00054712004 St. Andrews No. 287 -11,7 4
2021A00054712006 Rosetown 2,3 2
2021A00054712008 Zealandia -6,3 3
2021A00054712011 Milden No. 286 -14,4 4
2021A00054712012 Milden -8,4 3
2021A00054712014 Wiseton -19,0 4
2021A00054712016 Dinsmore -7,6 3
2021A00054712019 Macrorie -4,4 3
2021A00054712020 Fertile Valley No. 285 12,1 1
2021A00054712022 Conquest 4,4 2
2021A00054712026 Montrose No. 315 -9,1 3
2021A00054712029 Harris No. 316 6,2 2
2021A00054712031 Tessier 0,0 2
2021A00054712032 Harris -1,6 3
2021A00054712034 Marriott No. 317 -4,6 3
2021A00054712038 Mountain View No. 318 6,2 2
2021A00054712042 Biggar No. 347 0,9 2
2021A00054712046 Biggar -4,2 3
2021A00054712050 Perdue No. 346 5,8 2
2021A00054712051 Perdue -6,3 3
2021A00054712052 Kinley 0,0 2
2021A00054712054 Vanscoy No. 345 -1,4 3
2021A00054712056 Delisle -1,3 3
2021A00054712058 Vanscoy 3,2 2
2021A00054712059 Asquith -2,3 3
2021A00054712064 Eagle Creek No. 376 8,1 2
2021A00054712069 Glenside No. 377 -16,9 4
2021A00054712072 Rosemount No. 378 -12,9 4
2021A00054712078 Battle River No. 438 -4,2 3
2021A00054712079 Battleford -0,7 3
2021A00054712829 Red Pheasant 108 -14,8 4
2021A00054712830 Mosquito 109 -73,4 4
2021A00054712832 Grizzly Bear's Head 110 and Lean Man 111 100,0 1
2021A00054712833 Sweet Grass 113 -3,1 3
2021A00054712837 Sweet Grass 113-M16 .. 5
2021A00054712870 Poundmaker 114-18B -100,0 4
2021A00054713002 Brock -5,6 3
2021A00054713004 Netherhill 0,0 2
2021A00054713006 Kindersley No. 290 -4,4 3
2021A00054713008 Kindersley -0,7 3
2021A00054713009 Flaxcombe 8,1 2
2021A00054713011 Milton No. 292 -6,4 3
2021A00054713014 Marengo 11,9 1
2021A00054713016 Antelope Park No. 322 -4,6 3
2021A00054713019 Prairiedale No. 321 -0,4 3
2021A00054713021 Major 0,0 2
2021A00054713022 Smiley -58,3 4
2021A00054713024 Oakdale No. 320 -14,6 4
2021A00054713026 Coleville -8,2 3
2021A00054713028 Winslow No. 319 0,0 2
2021A00054713029 Dodsland 0,0 2
2021A00054713031 Plenty -22,0 4
2021A00054713032 Grandview No. 349 -33,9 4
2021A00054713038 Mariposa No. 350 42,0 1
2021A00054713039 Tramping Lake -41,7 4
2021A00054713041 Progress No. 351 -1,1 3
2021A00054713042 Kerrobert -5,5 3
2021A00054713044 Luseland -10,3 4
2021A00054713046 Heart's Hill No. 352 -4,1 3
2021A00054713049 Eye Hill No. 382 -6,4 3
2021A00054713051 Macklin -9,2 3
2021A00054713053 Primate -32,7 4
2021A00054713054 Denzil -2,1 3
2021A00054713056 Grass Lake No. 381 -2,5 3
2021A00054713059 Tramping Lake No. 380 7,2 2
2021A00054713062 Scott 1,4 2
2021A00054713064 Reford No. 379 -13,6 4
2021A00054713067 Landis -12,5 4
2021A00054713068 Buffalo No. 409 -17,0 4
2021A00054713069 Wilkie -2,0 3
2021A00054713072 Round Valley No. 410 -9,2 3
2021A00054713074 Unity -3,0 3
2021A00054713076 Senlac No. 411 -8,3 3
2021A00054713078 Senlac -12,2 4
2021A00054713079 Manitou Lake No. 442 -11,9 4
2021A00054713091 Marsden -5,4 3
2021A00054713092 Hillsdale No. 440 -4,5 3
2021A00054713094 Neilburg -2,1 3
2021A00054713096 Cut Knife No. 439 14,0 1
2021A00054713098 Cut Knife -4,5 3
2021A00054713835 Poundmaker 114 -13,9 4
2021A00054713836 Little Pine 116 -11,1 4
2021A00054714001 Hudson Bay No. 394 4,9 2
2021A00054714004 Hudson Bay -2,3 3
2021A00054714006 Porcupine No. 395 -8,3 3
2021A00054714007 Porcupine Plain -5,2 3
2021A00054714009 Weekes 25,0 1
2021A00054714021 Kelvington No. 366 -8,0 3
2021A00054714022 Kelvington -0,8 3
2021A00054714023 Ponass Lake No. 367 -1,4 3
2021A00054714024 Rose Valley -9,2 3
2021A00054714025 Fosston -11,1 4
2021A00054714026 Spalding No. 368 -7,3 3
2021A00054714028 Spalding -12,7 4
2021A00054714030 Pleasantdale 5,3 2
2021A00054714032 Naicam -1,5 3
2021A00054714034 Barrier Valley No. 397 12,5 1
2021A00054714035 Pleasantdale No. 398 0,5 2
2021A00054714036 Archerwill -7,8 3
2021A00054714038 Bjorkdale No. 426 6,5 2
2021A00054714039 Mistatim -70,3 4
2021A00054714041 Bjorkdale -26,9 4
2021A00054714043 Tisdale No. 427 -2,9 3
2021A00054714044 Tisdale -8,4 3
2021A00054714047 Star City No. 428 -11,7 4
2021A00054714048 Valparaiso 66,7 1
2021A00054714049 Star City -3,4 3
2021A00054714051 Melfort -0,6 3
2021A00054714053 Willow Creek No. 458 8,4 2
2021A00054714056 Connaught No. 457 -16,2 4
2021A00054714058 Ridgedale 18,2 1
2021A00054714059 Arborfield No. 456 -1,5 3
2021A00054714061 Zenon Park -9,3 3
2021A00054714062 Arborfield -8,7 3
2021A00054714067 Moose Range No. 486 -5,8 3
2021A00054714068 Tobin Lake 56,2 1
2021A00054714069 Carrot River -2,8 3
2021A00054714072 Nipawin No. 487 -4,6 3
2021A00054714073 Aylsham 26,2 1
2021A00054714074 Codette -9,1 3
2021A00054714076 Nipawin 3,8 2
2021A00054714077 Torch River No. 488 -17,1 4
2021A00054714079 White Fox -3,4 3
2021A00054714091 Love 0,0 2
2021A00054714092 Choiceland -4,7 3
2021A00054714093 Smeaton -10,4 4
2021A00054714839 Shoal Lake 28A 44,6 1
2021A00054714840 Red Earth 29 46,7 1
2021A00054714841 Yellowquill 90 8,9 2
2021A00054714842 Kinistin 91 -5,3 3
2021A00054714843 Yellow Quill 90-9 32,0 1
2021A00054714845 Carrot River 29A -8,8 3
2021A00054714846 Opaskwayak Cree Nation 27A .. 5
2021A00054715001 St. Peter No. 369 -6,5 3
2021A00054715002 Englefeld -9,1 3
2021A00054715003 St. Gregor 7,2 2
2021A00054715004 Muenster -6,3 3
2021A00054715005 Annaheim -1,9 3
2021A00054715006 Lake Lenore 1,8 2
2021A00054715007 Humboldt No. 370 2,8 2
2021A00054715008 Humboldt 2,8 2
2021A00054715011 Bayne No. 371 -1,3 3
2021A00054715012 Bruno -1,1 3
2021A00054715014 Grant No. 372 12,7 1
2021A00054715016 Prud'homme 6,0 2
2021A00054715017 Vonda 0,0 2
2021A00054715018 Aberdeen No. 373 5,9 2
2021A00054715019 Aberdeen 8,2 2
2021A00054715026 Laird No. 404 -6,0 3
2021A00054715027 Hepburn 14,0 1
2021A00054715028 Waldheim 2,0 2
2021A00054715029 Laird -0,7 3
2021A00054715031 Rosthern No. 403 7,5 2
2021A00054715032 Rosthern -5,1 3
2021A00054715034 Hague 1,7 2
2021A00054715036 Fish Creek No. 402 5,5 2
2021A00054715038 Alvena 25,0 1
2021A00054715039 Hoodoo No. 401 18,8 1
2021A00054715041 Cudworth -5,2 3
2021A00054715042 Wakaw 6,1 2
2021A00054715043 Wakaw Lake -8,3 3
2021A00054715044 Three Lakes No. 400 21,2 1
2021A00054715045 Pilger 0,0 2
2021A00054715046 St. Benedict -4,8 3
2021A00054715047 Middle Lake -22,0 4
2021A00054715048 Lake Lenore No. 399 -13,8 4
2021A00054715049 St. Brieux -4,3 3
2021A00054715051 Flett's Springs No. 429 -10,4 4
2021A00054715052 Beatty 8,3 2
2021A00054715054 Invergordon No. 430 -0,4 3
2021A00054715057 St. Louis No. 431 -5,2 3
2021A00054715059 St. Louis 4,1 2
2021A00054715061 Duck Lake No. 463 5,8 2
2021A00054715062 Duck Lake 1,8 2
2021A00054715064 Prince Albert No. 461 -3,5 3
2021A00054715066 Prince Albert 5,1 2
2021A00054715067 Birch Hills No. 460 0,3 2
2021A00054715068 Birch Hills 3,2 2
2021A00054715070 Candle Lake 38,1 1
2021A00054715071 Kinistino No. 459 9,0 2
2021A00054715072 Weldon -18,8 4
2021A00054715074 Kinistino 2,6 2
2021A00054715075 Lakeland No. 521 42,1 1
2021A00054715076 Christopher Lake 4,5 2
2021A00054715079 Garden River No. 490 -3,6 3
2021A00054715085 Albertville -14,8 4
2021A00054715091 Weirdale 10,0 1
2021A00054715092 Meath Park -3,4 3
2021A00054715094 Buckland No. 491 -2,9 3
2021A00054715098 Paddockwood -23,4 4
2021A00054715099 Paddockwood No. 520 19,0 1
2021A00054715820 Kiskaciwan No. 208 161,8 1
2021A00054715844 One Arrow 95 -1,3 3
2021A00054715845 Beardy's 97 and Okemasis 96 -5,6 3
2021A00054715847 Muskoday First Nation 8,2 2
2021A00054715848 Wahpaton 94A 0,3 2
2021A00054715849 James Smith 100 14,4 1
2021A00054715850 Cumberland 100A -16,1 4
2021A00054715851 Little Red River 106C 3,7 2
2021A00054715853 Montreal Lake 106B -4,3 3
2021A00054715857 One Arrow 95-1C -100,0 4
2021A00054715859 Beardy's and Okemasis 96 and 97B 14,3 1
2021A00054715860 Willow Cree -100,0 4
2021A00054715861 One Arrow 95-1D .. 5
2021A00054715862 One Arrow 95-1A -50,0 4
2021A00054716002 Denholm -14,8 4
2021A00054716003 Ruddell 0,0 2
2021A00054716004 Maymont 18,1 1
2021A00054716005 Mayfield No. 406 3,7 2
2021A00054716008 Great Bend No. 405 -25,1 4
2021A00054716009 Radisson -9,3 3
2021A00054716011 Borden -2,1 3
2021A00054716013 Blaine Lake No. 434 7,1 2
2021A00054716014 Marcelin -7,2 3
2021A00054716016 Blaine Lake 2,0 2
2021A00054716018 Redberry No. 435 8,8 2
2021A00054716019 Krydor 0,0 2
2021A00054716022 Hafford 1,7 2
2021A00054716023 Douglas No. 436 -2,3 3
2021A00054716024 Speers 20,0 1
2021A00054716026 Richard 25,0 1
2021A00054716027 North Battleford -32,5 4
2021A00054716028 North Battleford No. 437 -5,2 3
2021A00054716029 North Battleford -3,3 3
2021A00054716033 Round Hill No. 467 9,1 2
2021A00054716038 Meeting Lake No. 466 5,0 2
2021A00054716041 Leask No. 464 25,8 1
2021A00054716042 Leask -5,0 3
2021A00054716043 Pebble Baye 53,3 1
2021A00054716044 Parkside 9,1 2
2021A00054716046 Shellbrook No. 493 -0,4 3
2021A00054716047 Shellbrook 4,6 2
2021A00054716051 Canwood No. 494 -2,2 3
2021A00054716052 Canwood -5,4 3
2021A00054716053 Prince Albert National Park 108,3 1
2021A00054716054 Debden -3,0 3
2021A00054716056 Spiritwood No. 496 1,8 2
2021A00054716057 Shell Lake 8,0 2
2021A00054716058 Spiritwood 5,8 2
2021A00054716059 Big Shell 33,3 1
2021A00054716060 Echo Bay 70,0 1
2021A00054716061 Leoville -2,9 3
2021A00054716062 Medstead No. 497 -3,7 3
2021A00054716063 Medstead -6,9 3
2021A00054716072 Big River -4,9 3
2021A00054716075 Big River No. 555 11,8 1
2021A00054716077 Chitek Lake 117,4 1
2021A00054716840 Beardy's and Okemasis 96 & 97C 0,0 2
2021A00054716854 Muskeg Lake Cree Nation 102 -1,1 3
2021A00054716855 Mistawasis 103 8,8 2
2021A00054716856 Sturgeon Lake 101 4,3 2
2021A00054716857 Little Red River 106D -100,0 4
2021A00054716858 Big River 118 -1,2 3
2021A00054716859 Big River 118A .. 5
2021A00054716860 Ahtahkakoop 104 -4,8 3
2021A00054716861 Saulteaux 159A -61,5 4
2021A00054716862 Witchekan Lake 117 13,5 1
2021A00054716863 Chitek Lake 191 -14,1 4
2021A00054716870 Lucky Man .. 5
2021A00054716872 Muskeg Lake 102B .. 5
2021A00054716880 Pelican Lake 191B 50,0 1
2021A00054716882 Witchekan Lake 117D 0,0 2
2021A00054716886 Muskeg Lake 102E .. 5
2021A00054716888 Muskeg Lake 102F -100,0 4
2021A00054716891 Muskeg Lake 102D .. 5
2021A00054716894 Pelican Lake 191A -100,0 4
2021A00054717001 Meota No. 468 19,0 1
2021A00054717002 Cochin 48,0 1
2021A00054717004 Metinota 7,5 2
2021A00054717005 Aquadeo 82,9 1
2021A00054717006 Meota 6,9 2
2021A00054717008 Turtle River No. 469 -9,4 3
2021A00054717011 Edam -1,9 3
2021A00054717013 Paynton No. 470 -6,7 3
2021A00054717014 Paynton -18,9 4
2021A00054717017 Eldon No. 471 -6,7 3
2021A00054717018 Maidstone 2,0 2
2021A00054717019 Waseca -24,2 4
2021A00054717022 Wilton No. 472 -9,6 3
2021A00054717024 Lashburn -11,5 4
2021A00054717026 Marshall -11,7 4
2021A00054717028 Britannia No. 502 -4,3 3
2021A00054717029 Lloydminster (Part) 0,7 2
2021A00054717032 Frenchman Butte No. 501 -16,3 4
2021A00054717034 Paradise Hill -4,1 3
2021A00054717036 St. Walburg -14,2 4
2021A00054717039 Mervin 0,0 2
2021A00054717041 Turtleford 1,4 2
2021A00054717042 Kivimaa-Moonlight Bay 63,1 1
2021A00054717045 Mervin No. 499 36,2 1
2021A00054717047 Parkdale No. 498 16,7 1
2021A00054717048 Glaslyn -8,8 3
2021A00054717052 Meadow Lake -0,4 3
2021A00054717053 Greig Lake 140,0 1
2021A00054717054 Meadow Lake No. 588 3,1 2
2021A00054717055 Dorintosh -20,1 4
2021A00054717056 Loon Lake No. 561 10,6 1
2021A00054717057 Makwa -7,1 3
2021A00054717058 Loon Lake -2,4 3
2021A00054717062 Beaver River No. 622 5,0 2
2021A00054717066 Goodsoil 6,7 2
2021A00054717067 Pierceland 1,2 2
2021A00054717801 Seekaskootch 119 -14,9 4
2021A00054717802 Makaoo (Part) 120 14,5 1
2021A00054717803 Thunderchild First Nation 115B 0,0 2
2021A00054717804 Thunderchild First Nation 115C -23,5 4
2021A00054717805 Flying Dust First Nation 105 17,7 1
2021A00054717806 Waterhen 130 8,3 2
2021A00054717807 Makwa Lake 129B 12,9 1
2021A00054717808 Makwa Lake 129 -66,7 4
2021A00054717809 Ministikwan 161 -12,0 4
2021A00054717810 Ministikwan 161A -30,0 4
2021A00054717811 Big Island Lake Cree Territory -6,1 3
2021A00054717812 Moosomin 112B -1,2 3
2021A00054717813 Saulteaux 159 -34,0 4
2021A00054717815 Makwa Lake 129C 120,0 1
2021A00054717816 Eagles Lake 165C 25,0 1
2021A00054717817 Gladue Lake 105B .. 5
2021A00054717819 Meadow Lake 105A .. 5
2021A00054717830 Flying Dust First Nation 105D -100,0 4
2021A00054717831 Flying Dust First Nation 105E -100,0 4
2021A00054717832 Flying Dust First Nation 105F -100,0 4
2021A00054718005 Cumberland House -31,7 4
2021A00054718012 Timber Bay -1,2 3
2021A00054718015 Weyakwin -2,0 3
2021A00054718021 Green Lake -4,2 3
2021A00054718023 Dore Lake 23,3 1
2021A00054718028 Cole Bay 14,1 1
2021A00054718030 Jans Bay -23,7 4
2021A00054718033 Beauval 7,0 2
2021A00054718041 La Ronge -6,2 3
2021A00054718042 Air Ronge 13,8 1
2021A00054718049 Denare Beach -1,4 3
2021A00054718051 Creighton -15,8 4
2021A00054718052 Flin Flon (Part) -21,7 4
2021A00054718055 Pelican Narrows -30,9 4
2021A00054718058 Sandy Bay 17,3 1
2021A00054718065 Pinehouse -5,7 3
2021A00054718067 Île-à-la-Crosse 10,0 1
2021A00054718069 Patuanak -13,7 4
2021A00054718070 Buffalo Narrows -8,6 3
2021A00054718071 St. George's Hill -41,2 4
2021A00054718072 Michel Village -57,0 4
2021A00054718074 La Loche 2,9 2
2021A00054718075 Turnor Lake 3,4 2
2021A00054718089 Black Point -9,3 3
2021A00054718090 Division No. 18, Unorganized 36,4 1
2021A00054718100 Stony Rapids -16,4 4
2021A00054718801 Cumberland House Cree Nation 20 -5,9 3
2021A00054718802 Montreal Lake 106 -8,8 3
2021A00054718803 Stanley 157 2,3 2
2021A00054718806 Wapaskokimaw 202 -20,6 4
2021A00054718807 La Plonge 192 -2,7 3
2021A00054718808 Morin Lake 217 -0,3 3
2021A00054718809 Lac La Ronge 156 -29,9 4
2021A00054718811 Sucker River 156C (Nemebien River 156C) -7,7 3
2021A00054718812 Kitsakie 156B -12,2 4
2021A00054718813 Four Portages 157C .. 5
2021A00054718814 Wapachewunak 192D 5,9 2
2021A00054718815 Sturgeon Weir 205 46,8 1
2021A00054718817 Canoe Lake 165 4,2 2
2021A00054718818 Buffalo River Dene Nation 7,5 2
2021A00054718819 Turnor Lake 193B -10,1 4
2021A00054718820 Pelican Narrows 184B -6,0 3
2021A00054718821 Sturgeon Weir 184F -100,0 4
2021A00054718822 Southend 200 -0,4 3
2021A00054718823 Chicken 225 .. 5
2021A00054718824 Fond du Lac 227 2,5 2
2021A00054718825 Brabant Lake -48,1 4
2021A00054718826 Southend No. 200A 58,0 1
2021A00054718827 Pelican Narrows 206 -8,4 3
2021A00054718828 Chicken 224 -16,5 4
2021A00054718829 Clearwater River Dene Band 223 -85,7 4
2021A00054718831 Grandmother's Bay 219 0,6 2
2021A00054718832 Lac La Hache 220 12,6 1
2021A00054718839 Clearwater River Dene 222 1,1 2
2021A00054718844 Little Hills 158 .. 5
2021A00054718849 Little Hills 158B .. 5
2021A00054718852 Kimosom Pwatinahk 203 -17,5 4
2021A00054718854 Kinoosao-Thomas Clark 204 .. 5
2021A00054718855 Amiskosakahikan 210 -83,3 4
2021A00054718860 Wepuskow Sahgaiechan 165D -100,0 4
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