Dictionary, Census of Population, 2021
Condominium fees

Release date: November 17, 2021


Condominium fees refer to monthly payments for maintenance and various condominium services.

Statistical unit(s)


Reported in

2021 and 2016 (25% sample); 2011Footnote 1 (30% sample); 2006, 2001, 1996 and 1991 (20% sample).

Reported for

Owner households in non-farm private dwellings which form part of a condominium development

Question number(s)

Direct variable: Question E9e)


None; Dollar value


Although the condominium status question is asked to owner and renter households, the condominium fee question is only asked to owners. Renters of condominiums are not usually responsible for the direct payment of condominium fees.

See also the condominium status and shelter cost definitions.


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