Median household total income and after-tax income by household type, Income Highlight Tables, 2016 Census

Median household total income and after-tax income by household type (total – household type including census family structure), Canada and census subdivisions (municipalities), 2016 Census – 100% Data

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Median household total income and after-tax income by household type (total – household type including census family structure), Canada and census subdivisions (municipalities), 2016 Census – 100% Data
Geographic name Type Prov. / Terr. Number of households Median household total income
(2015 constant dollars)
Median household after-tax income
(2015 constant dollars)
Ascending sort applied
No sort applied
No sort applied
No sort applied
No sort applied
No sort applied
Canada 14,072,080 70,336 61,348
Lot 58 LOT P.E.I. 180 59,552 52,352
Lot 59 LOT P.E.I. 485 57,216 50,752
Lot 60 LOT P.E.I. 135 56,192 48,576
Lot 61 LOT P.E.I. 325 60,608 53,632
Lot 62 LOT P.E.I. 190 56,064 50,304
Lot 63 LOT P.E.I. 355 57,024 49,984
Lot 64 LOT P.E.I. 370 62,933 56,192
Lot 65 LOT P.E.I. 900 79,744 66,509
Lot 67 LOT P.E.I. 320 58,368 51,328
Lotbinière Que. 380 51,115 47,189
Lougheed VL Alta. 105 65,792 58,496
Louis Bull 138B IRI Alta. 225 34,048 34,048
Louise MU Man. 770 56,448 50,176
Louiseville V Que. 3,520 39,186 36,388
Lourdes T N.L. 215 39,360 37,184
Low CT Que. 460 51,627 46,400
Loyalist TP Ont. 6,430 80,691 69,966
Lucan Biddulph TP Ont. 1,785 84,829 74,010
Lucky Lake VL Sask. 130 67,584 57,088
Lumby VL B.C. 770 58,453 53,419
Lumsden T N.L. 215 72,960 62,720
Lumsden T Sask. 695 112,512 93,056
Lumsden No. 189 RM Sask. 710 121,754 101,888
Lunenburg MD N.S. 11,010 58,624 51,893
Lunenburg T N.S. 1,040 51,968 45,483
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For more information on income, 2016 Census, refer to 2016 Census topic: Income.

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