Homeownership rate by age of primary household maintainer, Glenboro-South Cypress (Municipality), 2016 to 2021 Footnote 8

Homeownership rate by age of primary household maintainer, Glenboro-South Cypress (Municipality), 2016 to 2021 Footnote 8
Age groups Year Homeownership rate
15 to 24 2016 50.0
25 to 39 2016 88.9
40 to 54 2016 92.0
55 to 74 2016 94.7
75 and over 2016 64.7
15 to 24 2021 60.0
25 to 39 2021 90.0
40 to 54 2021 94.1
55 to 74 2021 93.3
75 and over 2021 87.5
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