Main reasons people did not work the full year, Saint-Jean-de-Cherbourg (Paroisse (municipalité de)), 2020 Footnote 3

Main reasons people did not work the full year, Saint-Jean-de-Cherbourg (Paroisse (municipalité de)), 2020 Footnote 3
Main reason people did not work the full year Percentage (%)
Illness or disability 0.0
Pregnancy, maternity or parental leave 0.0
Student at school, college or university, or attending training 0.0
Caring for own child(ren) or relative(s) 0.0
Unable to find work that lasted the full year 0.0
Retirement 0.0
Personal choice 0.0
Seasonal work 44.4
Business conditions 0.0
COVID 22.2
Other 0.0
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