Atlantic Region – Percentage of the population below the after-tax low-income measureFootnote 1 in 2015, by 2016 census subdivision (CSD)

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This map shows the population below the after-tax low-income measure in 2015, in percentage, for the Atlantic region, by 2016 census subdivision.

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This table shows the categories of the population below the after-tax low-income measure in 2015, grouped by ranges of percentage values and by corresponding category colour. The national rate is also provided.

Category classifications of the percentage of the population below the after-tax low-income measure in 2015, showing the category colour.
Category Percentage Colour
1 ≥ 30.0% Dark red
2 20.0% to < 30.0% Medium red
3 10.0% to < 20.0% Light red
4 < 10.0% Beige
5 Not available Pale grey
6 Sparsely populated (outside population ecumene) White

Census subdivisions are outlined with a grey line.



The following table lists the census subdivisions for Atlantic, their associated data values and the category to which they are assigned on the map.

Census subdivisions for Atlantic, showing the percentage and category.
Census subdivision unique identifier Census subdivision name Percentage (%) Category
1001101 Division No. 1, Subd. V, SNO x 5
1001105 Portugal Cove South, T x 5
1001113 Trepassey, T 20.8 2
1001120 St. Shott's, T x 5
1001124 Division No. 1, Subd. U, SNO 13.6 3
1001126 Cape Broyle, T 15.3 3
1001131 Renews-Cappahayden, T 18.3 3
1001136 Fermeuse, T 19.0 3
1001140 Port Kirwan, T x 5
1001144 Aquaforte, T x 5
1001149 Ferryland, T 15.7 3
1001155 Division No. 1, Subd. W, SNO 12.6 3
1001169 St. Vincent's-St. Stephen's-Peter's River, T 23.8 2
1001174 Gaskiers-Point La Haye, T x 5
1001178 St. Mary's, T 15.9 3
1001181 Riverhead, T x 5
1001186 Admirals Beach, T x 5
1001192 St. Joseph's, T x 5
1001197 Mount Carmel-Mitchells Brook-St. Catherine's, T 14.5 3
1001203 Division No. 1, Subd. X, SNO 13.7 3
1001207 Colinet, T x 5
1001214 Division No. 1, Subd. C, SNO x 5
1001219 Branch, T x 5
1001225 Point Lance, T x 5
1001228 St. Bride's, T x 5
1001234 Division No. 1, Subd. B, SNO 16.7 3
1001240 Placentia, T 17.7 3
1001254 Fox Harbour, T 21.6 2
1001259 Division No. 1, Subd. A, SNO 18.5 3
1001263 Long Harbour-Mount Arlington Heights, T x 5
1001267 Southern Harbour, T 14.9 3
1001270 Arnold's Cove, T 13.2 3
1001274 Come By Chance, T x 5
1001277 Sunnyside, T 11.3 3
1001281 Chance Cove, T 19.6 3
1001285 Norman's Cove-Long Cove, T 14.3 3
1001289 Chapel Arm, T 13.0 3
1001293 Division No. 1, Subd. Y, SNO 15.7 3
1001298 Whitbourne, T 14.1 3
1001304 Division No. 1, Subd. E, SNO 17.7 3
1001308 Whiteway, T 12.1 3
1001312 Heart's Delight-Islington, T 17.0 3
1001316 Heart's Desire, T x 5
1001321 Division No. 1, Subd. F, SNO 17.3 3
1001325 Heart's Content, T 20.9 2
1001328 New Perlican, T x 5
1001332 Winterton, T 17.4 3
1001335 Hant's Harbour, T 21.2 2
1001339 Division No. 1, Subd. G, SNO 21.1 2
1001343 Old Perlican, T 7.1 4
1001347 Bay de Verde, T 14.1 3
1001352 Small Point-Adam's Cove-Blackhead-Broad Cove, T 16.9 3
1001357 Division No. 1, Subd. H, SNO 11.5 3
1001361 Salmon Cove, T 16.9 3
1001365 Victoria, T 17.8 3
1001370 Carbonear, T 17.1 3
1001374 Division No. 1, Subd. I, SNO 6.7 4
1001375 Bryant's Cove, T 17.7 3
1001379 Harbour Grace, T 21.2 2
1001385 Upper Island Cove, T 18.3 3
1001391 Division No. 1, Subd. J, SNO x 5
1001394 Bishop's Cove, T 19.3 3
1001396 Spaniard's Bay, T 18.3 3
1001405 Division No. 1, Subd. K, SNO x 5
1001409 Bay Roberts, T 15.9 3
1001415 Division No. 1, Subd. L, SNO 14.5 3
1001421 Division No. 1, Subd. M, SNO 16.3 3
1001426 North River, T 11.4 3
1001429 Clarke's Beach, T 19.5 3
1001434 South River, T 11.6 3
1001437 Cupids, T 16.1 3
1001441 Division No. 1, Subd. N, SNO 16.0 3
1001446 Brigus, T 18.6 3
1001452 Division No. 1, Subd. O, SNO 12.9 3
1001456 Colliers, T 12.2 3
1001461 Conception Harbour, T 14.6 3
1001464 Avondale, T 14.8 3
1001469 Harbour Main-Chapel's Cove-Lakeview, T 8.9 4
1001472 Holyrood, T 9.9 4
1001485 Conception Bay South, T 8.1 4
1001490 Division No. 1, Subd. R, SNO 29.7 2
1001494 Wabana, T 44.5 1
1001504 Portugal Cove-St. Philip's, T 6.9 4
1001505 Pouch Cove, T 11.8 3
1001507 Flatrock, T 5.7 4
1001509 Torbay, T 7.2 4
1001511 Logy Bay-Middle Cove-Outer Cove, T 2.7 4
1001512 Bauline, T 6.7 4
1001517 Paradise, T 5.7 4
1001519 St. John's, CY 16.0 3
1001542 Mount Pearl, CY 9.0 4
1001551 Petty Harbour-Maddox Cove, T 10.4 3
1001557 Bay Bulls, T 10.0 3
1001559 Witless Bay, T 8.0 4
1001565 Division No. 1, Subd. D, SNO x 5
1002001 Division No. 2, Subd. E, SNO x 5
1002002 Lewin's Cove, T 13.8 3
1002005 Burin, T 14.3 3
1002006 Division No. 2, Subd. F, SNO x 5
1002008 St. Lawrence, T 18.0 3
1002009 Division No. 2, Subd. G, SNO x 5
1002011 Lawn, T 17.7 3
1002012 Lamaline, T 20.8 2
1002013 Lord's Cove, T x 5
1002014 Point May, T x 5
1002015 Point au Gaul, T x 5
1002016 Division No. 2, Subd. H, SNO x 5
1002017 Frenchman's Cove, T x 5
1002018 Fortune, T 21.4 2
1002019 Grand Bank, T 19.4 3
1002021 Garnish, T 13.3 3
1002022 Division No. 2, Subd. D, SNO x 5
1002023 Winterland, T 6.4 4
1002024 Marystown, T 17.1 3
1002025 Fox Cove-Mortier, T 15.3 3
1002026 Division No. 2, Subd. I, SNO x 5
1002027 Bay L'Argent, T x 5
1002029 Division No. 2, Subd. J, SNO x 5
1002030 Grand le Pierre, T x 5
1002031 Division No. 2, Subd. C, SNO 16.7 3
1002033 Rushoon, T x 5
1002034 Parkers Cove, T x 5
1002036 Terrenceville, T 17.7 3
1002037 Red Harbour, T x 5
1002039 English Harbour East, T x 5
1002040 Baine Harbour, T x 5
1002041 St. Bernard's-Jacques Fontaine, T 18.4 3
1002044 Division No. 2, Subd. L, SNO x 5
1002048 Division No. 2, Subd. K, SNO 12.5 3
1002055 Little Bay East, T x 5
1003001 Division No. 3, Subd. A, SNO x 5
1003002 Rencontre East, T x 5
1003003 St. Jacques-Coomb's Cove, T 23.9 2
1003004 Belleoram, T 41.9 1
1003005 Pool's Cove, T x 5
1003006 Division No. 3, Subd. B, SNO x 5
1003008 Harbour Breton, T 18.2 3
1003009 Division No. 3, Subd. C, SNO x 5
1003010 Seal Cove (Fortune Bay), T x 5
1003011 Hermitage-Sandyville, T 16.7 3
1003012 Gaultois, T x 5
1003014 Division No. 3, Subd. D, SNO 17.3 3
1003018 Milltown-Head of Bay d'Espoir, T 20.1 2
1003019 St. Alban's, T 20.7 2
1003020 Morrisville, T x 5
1003021 Division No. 3, Subd. E, SNO x 5
1003024 Division No. 3, Subd. F, SNO x 5
1003026 Ramea, T 24.4 2
1003028 Burgeo, T 22.8 2
1003031 Division No. 3, Subd. H, SNO 13.5 3
1003032 Isle aux Morts, T 19.5 3
1003033 Burnt Islands, T 8.0 4
1003034 Channel-Port aux Basques, T 16.6 3
1003038 Division No. 3, Subd. I, SNO x 5
1003042 Division No. 3, Subd. J, SNO x 5
1003045 Rose Blanche-Harbour le Cou, T 26.6 2
1003801 Samiajij Miawpukek, IRI ... 5
1004001 Division No. 4, Subd. A, SNO 21.7 2
1004006 Division No. 4, Subd. B, SNO 29.9 2
1004011 Division No. 4, Subd. C, SNO 38.3 1
1004013 St. George's, T 26.1 2
1004016 Division No. 4, Subd. D, SNO 23.8 2
1004017 Gallants, T x 5
1004018 Stephenville Crossing, T 33.0 1
1004019 Stephenville, T 29.9 2
1004020 Kippens, T 12.3 3
1004021 Port au Port East, T 22.4 2
1004022 Division No. 4, Subd. E, SNO 40.7 1
1004033 Cape St. George, T 38.0 1
1004037 Lourdes, T 37.6 1
1004042 Port au Port West-Aguathuna-Felix Cove, T 26.7 2
1005001 Division No. 5, Subd. A, SNO 16.4 3
1005003 Division No. 5, Subd. G, SNO 31.2 1
1005004 Deer Lake, T 17.9 3
1005005 Jackson's Arm, T 26.3 2
1005006 Howley, T x 5
1005007 Division No. 5, Subd. E, SNO x 5
1005008 Hampden, T 23.3 2
1005009 Reidville, T 11.8 3
1005010 Division No. 5, Subd. F, SNO 10.3 3
1005011 Steady Brook, T 4.5 4
1005012 Pasadena, T 8.3 4
1005014 Cormack, T 21.7 2
1005015 Gillams, T 13.4 3
1005016 Division No. 5, Subd. C, SNO 10.7 3
1005017 Massey Drive, T 6.1 4
1005018 Corner Brook, CY 16.9 3
1005019 Division No. 5, Subd. D, SNO x 5
1005020 Humber Arm South, T 15.9 3
1005022 McIvers, T 17.6 3
1005023 Cox's Cove, T 20.3 2
1005024 Lark Harbour, T 24.3 2
1005025 Meadows, T 13.3 3
1005028 Hughes Brook, T 3.9 4
1005030 Irishtown-Summerside, T 12.9 3
1005033 Mount Moriah, T 13.3 3
1005035 York Harbour, T 16.2 3
1006001 Division No. 6, Subd. D, SNO 8.1 4
1006003 Norris Arm, T 24.0 2
1006008 Division No. 6, Subd. E, SNO x 5
1006009 Gander, T 12.1 3
1006011 Appleton, T 9.6 4
1006012 Glenwood, T 17.3 3
1006014 Division No. 6, Subd. C, SNO 11.9 3
1006015 Northern Arm, T 18.8 3
1006017 Grand Falls-Windsor, T 17.0 3
1006019 Bishop's Falls, T 21.3 2
1006021 Peterview, T 37.6 1
1006022 Botwood, T 25.8 2
1006026 Badger, T 15.0 3
1006028 Millertown, T x 5
1006029 Division No. 6, Subd. A, SNO x 5
1006031 Buchans, T 21.1 2
1007001 Division No. 7, Subd. M, SNO 18.3 3
1007006 Division No. 7, Subd. L, SNO 16.5 3
1007009 Division No. 7, Subd. K, SNO 16.1 3
1007013 Clarenville, T 11.5 3
1007014 Division No. 7, Subd. J, SNO 23.1 2
1007015 Trinity (Trinity Bay), T x 5
1007016 Port Rexton, T 26.5 2
1007018 Division No. 7, Subd. I, SNO x 5
1007020 Elliston, T 29.5 2
1007022 Trinity Bay North, T 23.2 2
1007023 Bonavista, T 21.5 2
1007024 Division No. 7, Subd. G, SNO 29.0 2
1007025 Keels, T x 5
1007026 Duntara, T x 5
1007027 King's Cove, T x 5
1007028 Division No. 7, Subd. F, SNO 23.7 2
1007031 Division No. 7, Subd. E, SNO 18.0 3
1007032 Musgravetown, T 14.7 3
1007036 Port Blandford, T 11.8 3
1007037 Traytown, T 11.3 3
1007038 Division No. 7, Subd. D, SNO x 5
1007039 Sandy Cove, T x 5
1007040 Terra Nova, T x 5
1007041 Happy Adventure, T x 5
1007042 Eastport, T 20.0 2
1007043 Sandringham, T x 5
1007044 Glovertown, T 15.0 3
1007045 Division No. 7, Subd. N, SNO x 5
1007046 Salvage, T x 5
1007047 Gambo, T 16.2 3
1007048 St. Brendan's, T x 5
1007049 Hare Bay, T 27.8 2
1007050 Centreville-Wareham-Trinity, T 22.7 2
1007051 Division No. 7, Subd. B, SNO x 5
1007054 Greenspond, T 13.2 3
1007056 Division No. 7, Subd. A, SNO x 5
1007057 Dover, T 34.1 1
1007060 New-Wes-Valley, T 13.3 3
1007067 Indian Bay, T x 5
1008001 Division No. 8, Subd. M, SNO x 5
1008004 Lumsden, T 9.9 4
1008006 Musgrave Harbour, T 18.0 3
1008008 Division No. 8, Subd. L, SNO 25.7 2
1008011 Carmanville, T 24.7 2
1008024 Change Islands, T x 5
1008026 Division No. 8, Subd. I, SNO x 5
1008029 Crow Head, T x 5
1008031 Division No. 8, Subd. H, SNO 31.6 1
1008032 Cottlesville, T 27.8 2
1008033 Summerford, T 26.7 2
1008035 Twillingate, T 21.0 2
1008036 Division No. 8, Subd. G, SNO 29.1 2
1008037 Campbellton, T 20.9 2
1008038 Birchy Bay, T 20.0 2
1008039 Comfort Cove-Newstead, T 29.3 2
1008040 Baytona, T 22.6 2
1008042 Division No. 8, Subd. F, SNO 23.9 2
1008043 Embree, T 22.6 2
1008044 Lewisporte, T 18.6 3
1008045 Little Burnt Bay, T 17.9 3
1008046 Division No. 8, Subd. E, SNO 28.2 2
1008047 Point of Bay, T x 5
1008048 Leading Tickles, T 28.1 2
1008049 Point Leamington, T 22.0 2
1008052 Division No. 8, Subd. D, SNO x 5
1008053 Pilley's Island, T 22.0 2
1008054 Triton, T 17.8 3
1008055 Brighton, T x 5
1008056 Lushes Bight-Beaumont-Beaumont North, T x 5
1008058 Division No. 8, Subd. C, SNO 18.2 3
1008059 South Brook, T 25.0 2
1008060 Robert's Arm, T 24.8 2
1008061 Springdale, T 20.9 2
1008062 Port Anson, T x 5
1008063 Little Bay, T x 5
1008064 Little Bay Islands, T x 5
1008065 Division No. 8, Subd. P, SNO 25.0 2
1008066 Beachside, T x 5
1008067 Division No. 8, Subd. O, SNO 16.1 3
1008069 King's Point, T 15.3 3
1008070 Nippers Harbour, T x 5
1008071 Burlington, T 30.2 1
1008072 Middle Arm, T 26.3 2
1008073 Tilt Cove, T x 5
1008074 Division No. 8, Subd. A, SNO 19.0 3
1008075 Fleur de Lys, T x 5
1008076 LaScie, T 17.8 3
1008077 Brent's Cove, T x 5
1008078 Pacquet, T x 5
1008079 Baie Verte, T 13.0 3
1008091 Seal Cove (White Bay), T 18.0 3
1008092 Coachman's Cove, T x 5
1008093 Westport, T x 5
1008095 Ming's Bight, T 15.9 3
1008096 Woodstock, T x 5
1008098 Miles Cove, T x 5
1008099 Fogo Island, T 16.9 3
1009001 Division No. 9, Subd. F, SNO x 5
1009004 Englee, T 27.4 2
1009007 Roddickton-Bide Arm, T 18.4 3
1009008 Conche, T x 5
1009009 Division No. 9, Subd. A, SNO x 5
1009010 Trout River, T 25.5 2
1009011 Woody Point, Bonne Bay, T 17.5 3
1009012 Norris Point, T 13.7 3
1009013 Rocky Harbour, T 16.9 3
1009015 Daniel's Harbour, T 16.0 3
1009016 Cow Head, T 20.0 2
1009017 Parson's Pond, T 27.5 2
1009018 Hawke's Bay, T 17.5 3
1009019 Port Saunders, T 14.4 3
1009020 St. Pauls, T x 5
1009021 Division No. 9, Subd. C, SNO 13.7 3
1009022 Port au Choix, T 16.4 3
1009023 Anchor Point, T 9.5 4
1009024 Flower's Cove, T x 5
1009026 Bird Cove, T x 5
1009028 Main Brook, T x 5
1009029 St. Anthony, T 10.7 3
1009030 Glenburnie-Birchy Head-Shoal Brook, T x 5
1009031 Division No. 9, Subd. D, SNO 15.5 3
1009032 St. Lunaire-Griquet, T 11.6 3
1009034 Cook's Harbour, T x 5
1009035 Raleigh, T x 5
1009037 Sally's Cove, T x 5
1009039 Goose Cove East, T x 5
1009041 Division No. 9, Subd. H, SNO x 5
1009042 Bellburns, T x 5
1009047 Division No. 9, Subd. G, SNO x 5
1009048 River of Ponds, T x 5
1010001 Division No. 10, Subd. A, SNO x 5
1010002 L'Anse au Loup, T 12.5 3
1010003 Red Bay, T x 5
1010004 L'Anse-au-Clair, T x 5
1010005 Forteau, T 11.4 3
1010006 West St. Modeste, T x 5
1010007 Pinware, T x 5
1010008 Division No. 10, Subd. B, SNO 20.5 2
1010009 Port Hope Simpson, T 12.2 3
1010010 St. Lewis, T x 5
1010011 Mary's Harbour, T 6.3 4
1010012 Cartwright, Labrador, T 17.6 3
1010013 Charlottetown (Labrador), T 5.2 4
1010020 Division No. 10, Subd. C, SNO 10.1 3
1010022 North West River, T 8.3 4
1010025 Happy Valley-Goose Bay, T 7.4 4
1010029 Division No. 10, Subd. D, SNO 0.7 4
1010032 Labrador City, T 5.2 4
1010034 Wabush, T 3.4 4
1010042 Division No. 10, Subd. E, SNO x 5
1010801 Natuashish 2, IRI ... 5
1010802 Sheshatshiu 3, IRI ... 5
1011005 Division No. 11, Subd. C, SNO x 5
1011010 Rigolet, T 14.8 3
1011015 Postville, T x 5
1011020 Makkovik, T 14.7 3
1011030 Hopedale, T 25.2 2
1011035 Nain, T 24.0 2
1011040 Division No. 11, Subd. E, SNO x 5
1101001 Lot 64, LOT 11.3 3
1101002 Murray Harbour, COM 17.6 3
1101004 Murray River, COM 16.7 3
1101006 Lot 63, LOT 20.2 2
1101008 Lot 61, LOT 14.1 3
1101009 Lot 59, LOT 17.9 3
1101011 Lot 66, LOT x 5
1101014 Lot 51, LOT 12.7 3
1101016 Lot 52, LOT 15.5 3
1101018 Montague, T 33.0 1
1101019 Lot 53, LOT 11.3 3
1101021 Cardigan, COM 13.0 3
1101022 Kings, Royalty, LOT 16.1 3
1101024 Georgetown, T 27.0 2
1101026 Lot 54, LOT 17.2 3
1101028 Lot 55, LOT 12.7 3
1101029 Lot 56, LOT 13.6 3
1101031 Lot 43, LOT 18.1 3
1101032 Lot 44, LOT 13.6 3
1101034 Lot 45, LOT 11.0 3
1101036 Souris, T 30.7 1
1101038 Lot 46, LOT 8.7 4
1101039 Lot 47, LOT 10.6 3
1101041 Lot 42, LOT x 5
1101042 Lot 41, LOT 13.6 3
1101044 St. Peters Bay, COM x 5
1101046 Lot 40, LOT 14.1 3
1101048 Morell, COM 10.0 3
1101049 Lot 39, LOT 16.3 3
1101050 Morell 2, IRI ... 5
1101051 Lot 38, LOT 9.4 4
1102001 Lot 62, LOT 17.2 3
1102004 Lot 60, LOT 21.3 2
1102006 Lot 58, LOT 12.6 3
1102008 Lot 57, LOT 17.4 3
1102009 Lot 50, LOT 11.7 3
1102012 Lot 49, LOT 11.0 3
1102014 Lot 48, LOT 11.7 3
1102026 Lot 31, LOT 9.3 4
1102028 Lot 65, LOT 9.6 4
1102029 Lot 30, LOT 15.3 3
1102030 Rocky Point 3, IRI ... 5
1102031 Lot 29, LOT 12.5 3
1102032 Victoria, COM x 5
1102033 Meadowbank, COM 9.9 4
1102034 Crapaud, COM 11.3 3
1102036 Lot 67, LOT 18.7 3
1102037 Clyde River, COM 9.2 4
1102038 Lot 20, LOT 10.6 3
1102039 Lot 21, LOT 9.4 4
1102040 Miltonvale Park, COM 14.2 3
1102041 Lot 22, LOT 9.1 4
1102042 Lot 23, LOT 14.4 3
1102043 Hunter River, COM 22.7 2
1102044 Lot 24, LOT 14.5 3
1102045 Resort Mun. Stan.B.-Hope R.-Bayv.-Cavend.-N.Rust., COM 11.3 3
1102046 North Rustico, COM 21.3 2
1102048 Brackley, COM 8.1 4
1102049 Lot 33, LOT 12.2 3
1102050 Union Road, COM x 5
1102051 Breadalbane, COM x 5
1102052 Lot 34, LOT 9.3 4
1102054 Lot 35, LOT 13.5 3
1102056 Lot 36, LOT 12.8 3
1102057 Scotchfort 4, IRI ... 5
1102058 Lot 37, LOT 13.7 3
1102059 Mount Stewart, COM x 5
1102065 Winsloe South, COM x 5
1102070 Warren Grove, COM 14.1 3
1102075 Charlottetown, CY 22.4 2
1102080 Stratford, T 12.0 3
1102085 Cornwall, T 11.5 3
1103001 Lot 28, LOT 14.4 3
1103005 Borden-Carleton, T 22.8 2
1103006 Lot 27, LOT 6.9 4
1103008 Kinkora, COM 7.5 4
1103009 Lot 26, LOT 9.0 4
1103011 Lot 25, LOT 10.4 3
1103012 Lot 19, LOT 12.3 3
1103014 Kensington, T 17.9 3
1103015 Bedeque and Area, COM 15.0 3
1103016 Lot 18, LOT 11.3 3
1103018 Sherbrooke, COM x 5
1103019 Lot 17, LOT 19.1 3
1103023 Linkletter, COM 17.7 3
1103024 Miscouche, COM 16.4 3
1103025 Summerside, CY 19.8 3
1103026 Lot 15, LOT 11.7 3
1103027 Abrams Village, COM 13.0 3
1103028 Lot 16, LOT 13.5 3
1103029 Wellington, COM 21.6 2
1103031 Lot 14, LOT 19.9 3
1103032 Lot 13, LOT 14.8 3
1103033 Tyne Valley, COM x 5
1103034 Lot 12, LOT 17.3 3
1103035 Lennox Island 1, IRI ... 5
1103036 Lot 11, LOT 20.2 2
1103038 Lot 10, LOT 25.0 2
1103041 Lot 6, LOT 20.2 2
1103042 O'Leary, COM 34.0 1
1103044 Lot 9, LOT 28.1 2
1103046 Lot 8, LOT 18.0 3
1103048 Lot 7, LOT 8.7 4
1103049 Lot 5, LOT 8.2 4
1103051 Lot 4, LOT 10.3 3
1103052 Alberton, T 26.7 2
1103054 Lot 3, LOT 10.4 3
1103056 Lot 2, LOT 13.4 3
1103057 St. Louis, COM x 5
1103058 Lot 1, LOT 10.8 3
1103059 Tignish, COM 24.1 2
1103062 Miminegash, COM x 5
1201001 Barrington, MD 16.5 3
1201004 Clark's Harbour, T 22.4 2
1201006 Shelburne, MD 18.7 3
1201008 Shelburne, T 27.2 2
1201009 Lockeport, T 21.6 2
1202001 Argyle, MD 12.7 3
1202004 Yarmouth, MD 17.1 3
1202006 Yarmouth, T 33.0 1
1202040 Yarmouth 33, IRI ... 5
1203001 Clare, MD 18.5 3
1203004 Digby, MD 24.2 2
1203006 Digby, T 33.1 1
1203009 Bear River (Part) 6, IRI ... 5
1204009 Ponhook Lake 10, IRI ... 5
1204010 Queens, RGM 24.5 2
1204015 Wildcat 12, IRI ... 5
1205001 Annapolis, Subd. D, SC 25.9 2
1205002 Bear River (Part) 6, IRI ... 5
1205004 Annapolis, Subd. A, SC 26.0 2
1205006 Bear River 6B, IRI ... 5
1205008 Annapolis Royal, T 22.7 2
1205009 Annapolis, Subd. B, SC 28.1 2
1205014 Annapolis, Subd. C, SC 20.1 2
1205016 Middleton, T 31.1 1
1206001 Lunenburg, MD 17.1 3
1206004 Bridgewater, T 22.4 2
1206006 Lunenburg, T 20.1 2
1206008 Mahone Bay, T 20.5 2
1206009 Chester, MD 19.4 3
1206011 Gold River 21, IRI ... 5
1206014 Pennal 19, IRI ... 5
1206016 New Ross 20, IRI ... 5
1207001 Kings, Subd. A, SC 17.3 3
1207002 Cambridge 32, IRI ... 5
1207004 Berwick, T 17.5 3
1207011 Kings, Subd. C, SC 18.2 3
1207012 Kentville, T 19.4 3
1207016 Kings, Subd. B, SC 20.0 2
1207021 Kings, Subd. D, SC 16.9 3
1207024 Wolfville, T 22.8 2
1207027 Glooscap 35, IRI ... 5
1208001 West Hants, MD 16.8 3
1208002 Windsor, T 27.5 2
1208008 East Hants, MD 12.9 3
1208014 Indian Brook 14, IRI ... 5
1209019 Cole Harbour 30, IRI ... 5
1209029 Shubenacadie 13, IRI ... 5
1209034 Halifax, RGM 14.8 3
1209037 Beaver Lake 17, IRI ... 5
1209038 Sheet Harbour 36, IRI ... 5
1209800 Wallace Hills 14A, IRI ... 5
1210001 Colchester, Subd. C, SC 15.3 3
1210002 Stewiacke, T 19.3 3
1210003 Millbrook 27, IRI ... 5
1210006 Truro, T 25.5 2
1210008 Colchester, Subd. B, SC 17.2 3
1210012 Colchester, Subd. A, SC 19.4 3
1211001 Cumberland, Subd. A, SC 27.4 2
1211002 Parrsboro, T 30.5 1
1211006 Cumberland, Subd. B, SC 23.8 2
1211009 Cumberland, Subd. C, SC 15.8 3
1211011 Amherst, T 25.3 2
1211012 Oxford, T 23.2 2
1211014 Cumberland, Subd. D, SC 20.3 2
1212001 Pictou, Subd. A, SC 15.7 3
1212004 Pictou, T 22.6 2
1212006 Pictou, Subd. B, SC 16.2 3
1212008 Westville, T 20.6 2
1212009 Stellarton, T 23.2 2
1212011 Pictou, Subd. C, SC 14.4 3
1212014 New Glasgow, T 22.6 2
1212016 Trenton, T 19.9 3
1212019 Fisher's Grant 24, IRI ... 5
1212023 Merigomish Harbour 31, IRI ... 5
1213001 St. Mary's, MD 19.9 3
1213004 Guysborough, MD 23.3 2
1213008 Mulgrave, T 17.9 3
1214001 Antigonish, Subd. A, SC 10.4 3
1214002 Antigonish, T 22.0 2
1214006 Antigonish, Subd. B, SC 13.9 3
1214010 Pomquet And Afton 23, IRI ... 5
1215001 Inverness, Subd. C, SC 15.6 3
1215002 Port Hawkesbury, T 20.6 2
1215006 Inverness, Subd. B, SC 15.1 3
1215008 Whycocomagh 2, IRI ... 5
1215011 Inverness, Subd. A, SC 15.0 3
1216001 Richmond, Subd. C, SC 18.3 3
1216006 Richmond, Subd. A, SC 17.2 3
1216011 Richmond, Subd. B, SC 19.9 3
1216014 Chapel Island 5, IRI ... 5
1217008 Membertou 28B, IRI ... 5
1217020 Eskasoni 3, IRI ... 5
1217030 Cape Breton, RGM 19.7 3
1218001 Victoria, Subd. B, SC 13.2 3
1218003 Wagmatcook 1, IRI ... 5
1218006 Victoria, Subd. A, SC 15.9 3
1301001 Saint Martins, P 20.8 2
1301002 St. Martins, VL 20.0 2
1301004 Simonds, P 13.3 3
1301006 Saint John, C 22.5 2
1301016 Musquash, P 12.6 3
1302001 Grand Manan, P x 5
1302004 Campobello Island, RCR 23.1 2
1302006 West Isles, P 16.1 3
1302008 Lepreau, P 17.0 3
1302011 Pennfield, P 18.2 3
1302012 Blacks Harbour, VL 18.8 3
1302014 Clarendon, P x 5
1302016 Saint George, P 13.4 3
1302018 St. George, TV 16.4 3
1302021 Saint Patrick, P 16.7 3
1302024 Saint Andrews, P 12.8 3
1302026 Saint Andrews, TV 16.1 3
1302028 Saint Croix, P 19.1 3
1302031 Dufferin, P 9.6 4
1302034 Saint Stephen, P 21.0 2
1302037 St. Stephen, TV 26.9 2
1302039 Saint James, P 26.7 2
1302042 Saint David, P 22.1 2
1302044 Dumbarton, P 28.4 2
1302052 Grand Manan, VL 15.9 3
1303001 Blissville, P 20.1 2
1303004 Gladstone, P 22.0 2
1303005 Tracy, VL 18.5 3
1303006 Fredericton Junction, VL 12.8 3
1303008 Lincoln, P 10.0 3
1303011 Burton, P 8.0 4
1303012 Oromocto, TV 5.3 4
1303013 Oromocto 26, IRI ... 5
1303014 Sheffield, P 20.5 2
1303016 Maugerville, P 9.3 4
1303018 Northfield, P 22.6 2
1304001 Petersville, P 20.6 2
1304004 Gagetown, P 16.1 3
1304005 Gagetown, VL 14.2 3
1304006 Hampstead, P 25.5 2
1304008 Wickham, P 27.7 2
1304011 Cambridge, P 20.5 2
1304013 Cambridge-Narrows, VL 18.6 3
1304014 Johnston, P 23.2 2
1304016 Brunswick, P x 5
1304018 Waterborough, P 22.8 2
1304021 Canning, P 17.3 3
1304022 Minto, VL 29.5 2
1304024 Chipman, P 19.7 3
1304025 Chipman, VL 28.1 2
1305001 Hammond, P x 5
1305004 Upham, P 19.8 3
1305006 Hampton, P 11.2 3
1305007 Hampton, TV 10.4 3
1305008 Rothesay, P 9.2 4
1305011 Westfield, P 12.2 3
1305014 Kingston, P 13.8 3
1305015 Grand Bay-Westfield, TV 7.5 4
1305016 Norton, P 14.7 3
1305018 Norton, VL 16.1 3
1305021 Sussex, P 15.6 3
1305022 Sussex, TV 28.5 2
1305023 Sussex Corner, VL 13.7 3
1305024 Waterford, P 13.8 3
1305026 Cardwell, P 20.1 2
1305028 Havelock, P 23.6 2
1305031 Studholm, P 16.5 3
1305034 Springfield, P 16.2 3
1305036 Kars, P 14.1 3
1305038 Greenwich, P 17.5 3
1305045 Rothesay, TV 9.6 4
1305057 Quispamsis, TV 6.6 4
1306001 Hopewell, P 22.0 2
1306003 Riverside-Albert, VL 23.3 2
1306004 Harvey, P 12.3 3
1306006 Alma, VL x 5
1306007 Alma, P x 5
1306008 Elgin, P 25.8 2
1306011 Hillsborough, P 19.5 3
1306014 Coverdale, P 11.1 3
1306020 Riverview, TV 10.4 3
1306025 Hillsborough, VL 19.5 3
1307001 Westmorland, P 17.6 3
1307002 Port Elgin, VL 38.2 1
1307004 Botsford, P 21.8 2
1307005 Beaubassin East, RCR 10.6 3
1307007 Cap-Pelé, VL 10.9 3
1307008 Sackville, P 15.2 3
1307009 Sackville, TV 14.9 3
1307011 Dorchester, P 23.3 2
1307012 Dorchester, VL 21.8 2
1307013 Memramcook, VL 10.0 3
1307014 Fort Folly 1, IRI ... 5
1307016 Shediac, P 12.1 3
1307019 Moncton, P 10.5 3
1307022 Moncton, C 19.6 3
1307024 Salisbury, P 16.5 3
1307028 Salisbury, VL 17.0 3
1307029 Petitcodiac, VL 17.2 3
1307045 Dieppe, C 10.1 3
1307052 Shediac, TV 15.1 3
1308001 Dundas, P 12.0 3
1308002 Cocagne, RCR 12.8 3
1308003 Buctouche 16, IRI ... 5
1308004 Wellington, P 14.6 3
1308005 Bouctouche, TV 21.2 2
1308006 Saint Mary, P 15.8 3
1308007 Saint-Antoine, VL 15.5 3
1308008 Saint-Paul, P 20.4 2
1308010 Harcourt, P 26.5 2
1308012 Huskisson, P x 5
1308014 Weldford, P 22.8 2
1308015 Richibucto 15, IRI ... 5
1308016 Richibucto, P 16.2 3
1308017 Rexton, VL 16.4 3
1308018 Richibucto, TV 26.9 2
1308019 Saint-Charles, P 14.3 3
1308020 Indian Island 28, IRI ... 5
1308021 Saint-Louis, P 14.2 3
1308022 Saint-Louis de Kent, VL 28.3 2
1308024 Acadieville, P 21.4 2
1308026 Carleton, P 17.6 3
1309001 Hardwicke, P 14.0 3
1309004 Glenelg, P 16.7 3
1309006 Chatham, P 7.8 4
1309011 Derby, P 14.7 3
1309014 Nelson, P 12.0 3
1309016 Rogersville, P 20.5 2
1309017 Rogersville, VL 24.4 2
1309018 Blackville, P 22.2 2
1309019 Blackville, VL 18.0 3
1309021 Blissfield, P 27.5 2
1309022 Doaktown, VL 28.5 2
1309023 Red Bank 4, IRI ... 5
1309026 Southesk, P 15.0 3
1309027 Upper Miramichi, RCR 26.7 2
1309028 Northesk, P 17.5 3
1309031 Newcastle, P 18.7 3
1309034 Big Hole Tract 8 (South Half), IRI ... 5
1309035 Eel Ground 2, IRI ... 5
1309036 Alnwick, P 21.1 2
1309038 Neguac, VL 19.0 3
1309044 Esgenoôpetitj 14, IRI ... 5
1309047 Tabusintac 9, IRI ... 5
1309050 Miramichi, C 17.0 3
1310001 New Maryland, P 5.4 4
1310002 New Maryland, VL 4.0 4
1310004 Manners Sutton, P 18.0 3
1310005 Harvey, VL 14.7 3
1310006 McAdam, VL 23.7 2
1310007 McAdam, P x 5
1310008 North Lake, P x 5
1310011 Canterbury, P 22.1 2
1310012 Canterbury, VL 26.5 2
1310013 Meductic, VL x 5
1310014 Dumfries, P 19.7 3
1310016 Prince William, P 15.6 3
1310017 Hanwell, RCR 6.9 4
1310018 Kingsclear, P 7.9 4
1310019 Kingsclear 6, IRI ... 5
1310021 Queensbury, P 16.2 3
1310024 Southampton, P 21.4 2
1310025 Millville, VL 14.5 3
1310026 Bright, P 16.1 3
1310028 Douglas, P 12.9 3
1310031 Saint Marys, P 14.2 3
1310032 Fredericton, C 18.9 3
1310034 Devon 30, IRI ... 5
1310036 Stanley, P 24.7 2
1310037 Stanley, VL 22.1 2
1310054 Nackawic, TV 19.1 3
1311001 Richmond, P 21.9 2
1311004 Woodstock, P 14.6 3
1311005 Woodstock 23, IRI ... 5
1311006 Woodstock, TV 22.8 2
1311008 Northampton, P 13.0 3
1311011 Brighton, P 25.5 2
1311012 Hartland, TV 16.4 3
1311014 Wakefield, P 13.8 3
1311018 Wilmot, P 18.0 3
1311019 Centreville, VL 22.5 2
1311021 Simonds, P 13.8 3
1311024 Peel, P 21.0 2
1311026 Aberdeen, P 19.7 3
1311027 Florenceville-Bristol, TV 15.0 3
1311028 Kent, P 21.1 2
1311030 Bath, VL 21.6 2
1311031 Wicklow, P 20.9 2
1312001 Andover, P 23.6 2
1312002 Aroostook, VL 29.0 2
1312004 Perth, P 24.5 2
1312006 Perth-Andover, VL 29.8 2
1312007 Tobique 20, IRI ... 5
1312008 Gordon, P 21.5 2
1312009 Plaster Rock, VL 28.8 2
1312011 Lorne, P 25.0 2
1312014 Denmark, P 26.9 2
1312016 Grand Falls, P 17.6 3
1312019 Grand Falls, TV 19.2 3
1312021 Drummond, P 15.9 3
1312023 Drummond, VL 21.6 2
1313001 Saint-André, P 17.2 3
1313002 Saint-André, RCR 17.4 3
1313004 Saint-Léonard, P 12.7 3
1313006 Saint-Léonard, TV 23.2 2
1313008 Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes, P 20.0 2
1313011 Sainte-Anne, P 22.8 2
1313012 Sainte-Anne-de-Madawaska, VL 21.5 2
1313014 Rivière-Verte, VL 22.5 2
1313015 Rivière-Verte, P 26.8 2
1313018 Saint-Basile, P 16.9 3
1313020 St. Basile 10, IRI ... 5
1313022 Saint-Joseph, P 12.8 3
1313024 Saint-Jacques, P 14.1 3
1313027 Edmundston, C 18.9 3
1313028 Madawaska, P x 5
1313032 Saint-Hilaire, P 11.6 3
1313033 St. Hilaire, VL x 5
1313034 Baker Brook, P 18.2 3
1313035 Baker-Brook, VL 14.3 3
1313036 Lac-Baker, P x 5
1313037 Lac Baker, VL 14.8 3
1313038 Clair, P 9.8 4
1313039 Clair, VL 23.1 2
1313041 Saint-François, P 11.6 3
1313042 Saint-François de Madawaska, VL 16.0 3
1314001 Durham, P 38.8 1
1314003 Colborne, P x 5
1314004 Charlo, VL 12.6 3
1314005 Balmoral, P 16.1 3
1314006 Balmoral, VL 13.5 3
1314008 Dalhousie, P 10.9 3
1314010 Eel River 3, IRI ... 5
1314011 Eel River Crossing, VL 20.1 2
1314012 Addington, P 15.3 3
1314013 Atholville, VL 17.0 3
1314014 Campbellton, C 27.6 2
1314015 Tide Head, VL 5.9 4
1314016 Eldon, P 28.2 2
1314017 Dalhousie, TV 22.9 2
1314020 Kedgwick, RCR 20.3 2
1314021 Saint-Quentin, P 15.8 3
1314022 Saint-Quentin, TV 18.3 3
1314025 Belledune, VL 28.5 2
1314026 Indian Ranch, IRI ... 5
1315002 Tracadie, RGM 19.8 3
1315006 Allardville, P 19.9 3
1315008 Bathurst, P 13.6 3
1315010 Pabineau 11, IRI ... 5
1315011 Bathurst, C 24.4 2
1315012 Beresford, P 15.4 3
1315013 Pointe-Verte, VL 16.9 3
1315014 Petit-Rocher, VL 18.5 3
1315015 Beresford, TV 15.6 3
1315016 New Bandon, P 18.5 3
1315017 Saint-Léolin, VL 20.8 2
1315019 Paquetville, P 27.6 2
1315020 Paquetville, VL 22.2 2
1315021 Saint-Isidore, P 28.6 2
1315022 Saint-Isidore, VL 16.3 3
1315024 Inkerman, P 19.7 3
1315026 Caraquet, P 20.4 2
1315027 Bas-Caraquet, VL 18.8 3
1315028 Caraquet, TV 16.5 3
1315029 Shippagan, P 18.6 3
1315030 Le Goulet, VL 11.0 3
1315031 Shippagan, TV 20.0 2
1315032 Lamèque, TV 16.8 3
1315033 Sainte-Marie-Saint-Raphaël, VL 22.7 2
1315036 Bertrand, VL 22.7 2
1315037 Nigadoo, VL 13.0 3
1315038 Grande-Anse, VL 20.8 2
1315040 Maisonnette, VL 30.3 1


Symbol ..

not available for a specific reference period


Symbol x

suppressed to meet the confidentiality requirements of the Statistics Act



Footnote 1

For a one-person household, the after-tax low-income measure (LIM-AT) is $22,133. For larger households, this amount is adjusted upward by multiplying it by the square root of household size.

Return to footnote 1 referrer


Statistics Canada, Census of Population, 2016.

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