Data tables, 2016 Census

Industry - North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2012 (425), Employment Income Statistics (3), Highest Certificate, Diploma or Degree (7), Aboriginal Identity (9), Work Activity During the Reference Year (4), Age (5A) and Sex (3) for the Population Aged 15 Years and Over Who Worked in 2015 and Reported Employment Income in 2015, in Private Households of Canada, Provinces and Territories and Census Metropolitan Areas, 2016 Census - 25% Sample Data

Data table

Select data categories for this table

This table details industry - north american industry classification system 2012 , employment income statistics , highest certificate, diploma or degree , aboriginal identity , work activity during the reference year , age and sex for the population aged 15 years and over who worked in 2015 and reported employment income in 2015, in private households in Victoria
Data quality
Industry - North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2012 (425) Employment income statistics (3)
Total - Number of employment income recipientsFootnote 4 Median employment income in 2015 ($)Footnote 5 Average employment income in 2015 ($)Footnote 6
Total - Industry - North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2012Footnote 7 198,135 37,848 46,519
11 Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting 1,905 15,030 25,841
111 - 112 Farms (111 to 112)Footnote 8 1,135 11,155 17,559
1110 Farms (except Greenhouses and Aquaculture)(1111 to 1124 and 1129)Footnote 9 800 7,951 13,265
1114 Greenhouse, Nursery and Floriculture Production 270 15,777 23,633
1125 Aquaculture 70 39,262 43,666
113 Forestry and logging 265 31,080 50,066
1131 Timber tract operations 10 0 0
1132 Forest nurseries and gathering of forest products 55 15,140 58,749
1133 Logging 200 41,353 49,100
114 Fishing, hunting and trapping 255 23,296 38,467
1141 Fishing 255 23,296 38,467
1142 Hunting and trapping 0 0 0
115 Support activities for agriculture and forestry 245 17,783 25,178
1150 Support activities for farms (1151 and 1152)Footnote 10 55 9,414 11,578
1153 Support activities for forestry 190 21,256 29,220
21 Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction 695 76,433 99,475
211 Oil and gas extraction 255 95,536 126,983
2111 Oil and gas extraction 250 95,536 126,983
212 Mining and quarrying (except oil and gas) 85 58,430 65,826
2121 Coal mining 10 0 0
2122 Metal ore mining 35 39,152 53,408
2123 Non-metallic mineral mining and quarrying 40 70,217 81,956
213 Support activities for mining and oil and gas extraction 355 71,930 88,102
2131 Support activities for mining and oil and gas extraction 355 71,930 88,102
22 Utilities 495 81,002 90,512
221 Utilities 490 81,002 90,512
2211 Electric power generation, transmission and distribution 270 98,405 108,715
2212 Natural gas distribution 35 75,349 90,221
2213 Water, sewage and other systems 190 69,279 64,893
23 Construction 13,130 37,379 44,242
236 Construction of buildings 4,155 35,601 41,319
2361 Residential building construction 3,225 32,473 36,992
2362 Non-residential building construction 925 49,888 56,387
237 Heavy and civil engineering construction 970 55,994 59,298
2371 Utility system construction 265 75,270 76,293
2372 Land subdivision 190 49,098 50,748
2373 Highway, street and bridge construction 450 54,232 53,088
2379 Other heavy and civil engineering construction 70 34,117 57,854
238 Specialty trade contractors 8,005 37,048 43,935
2381 Foundation, structure, and building exterior contractors 1,300 39,204 44,041
2382 Building equipment contractors 2,860 46,567 52,260
2383 Building finishing contractors 2,855 26,560 33,763
2389 Other specialty trade contractors 985 43,756 49,084
31-33 Manufacturing 6,805 46,054 53,851
311 Food manufacturing 935 24,151 31,889
3111 Animal food manufacturing 20 0 0
3112 Grain and oilseed milling 0 0 0
3113 Sugar and confectionery product manufacturing 55 27,848 27,577
3114 Fruit and vegetable preserving and specialty food manufacturing 20 0 0
3115 Dairy product manufacturing 150 63,299 64,565
3116 Meat product manufacturing 35 0 0
3117 Seafood product preparation and packaging 65 19,031 28,389
3118 Bakeries and tortilla manufacturing 475 21,158 22,056
3119 Other food manufacturing 115 29,817 32,115
312 Beverage and tobacco product manufacturing 375 39,920 46,018
3121 Beverage manufacturing 375 39,920 46,018
3122 Tobacco manufacturing 0 0 0
313 Textile mills 10 0 0
3131 Fibre, yarn and thread mills 10 0 0
3132 Fabric mills 0 0 0
3133 Textile and fabric finishing and fabric coating 10 0 0
314 Textile product mills 35 17,182 19,135
3141 Textile furnishings mills 10 0 0
3149 Other textile product mills 30 0 0
315 Clothing manufacturing 105 16,767 23,146
3151 Clothing knitting mills 0 0 0
3152 Cut and sew clothing manufacturing 95 16,845 23,814
3159 Clothing accessories and other clothing manufacturing 10 0 0
316 Leather and allied product manufacturing 10 0 0
3161 Leather and hide tanning and finishing 0 0 0
3162 Footwear manufacturing 10 0 0
3169 Other leather and allied product manufacturing 0 0 0
321 Wood product manufacturing 330 31,464 40,585
3211 Sawmills and wood preservation 140 22,513 34,188
3212 Veneer, plywood and engineered wood product manufacturing 15 0 0
3219 Other wood product manufacturing 180 39,680 46,070
322 Paper manufacturing 85 89,756 95,293
3221 Pulp, paper and paperboard mills 80 90,002 96,817
3222 Converted paper product manufacturing 10 0 0
323 Printing and related support activities 345 31,128 39,136
3231 Printing and related support activities 345 31,128 39,136
324 Petroleum and coal products manufacturing 30 0 0
3241 Petroleum and coal product manufacturing 30 0 0
325 Chemical manufacturing 185 48,201 53,488
3251 Basic chemical manufacturing 60 69,658 70,436
3252 Resin, synthetic rubber, and artificial and synthetic fibres and filaments manufacturing 0 0 0
3253 Pesticide, fertilizer and other agricultural chemical manufacturing 0 0 0
3254 Pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing 70 42,155 54,296
3255 Paint, coating and adhesive manufacturing 25 0 46,537
3256 Soap, cleaning compound and toilet preparation manufacturing 15 0 0
3259 Other chemical product manufacturing 15 0 0
326 Plastics and rubber products manufacturing 170 41,417 97,752
3261 Plastic product manufacturing 165 41,417 97,752
3262 Rubber product manufacturing 0 0 0
327 Non-metallic mineral product manufacturing 240 38,328 44,601
3271 Clay product and refractory manufacturing 25 0 0
3272 Glass and glass product manufacturing 70 30,037 34,101
3273 Cement and concrete product manufacturing 110 57,640 59,272
3274 Lime and gypsum product manufacturing 0 0 0
3279 Other non-metallic mineral product manufacturing 40 37,098 39,910
331 Primary metal manufacturing 15 0 0
3311 Iron and steel mills and ferro-alloy manufacturing 10 0 0
3312 Steel product manufacturing from purchased steel 0 0 0
3313 Alumina and aluminum production and processing 0 0 0
3314 Non-ferrous metal (except aluminum) production and processing 0 0 0
3315 Foundries 0 0 0
332 Fabricated metal product manufacturing 505 48,143 52,407
3321 Forging and stamping 10 0 0
3322 Cutlery and hand tool manufacturing 15 0 0
3323 Architectural and structural metals manufacturing 155 59,082 55,212
3324 Boiler, tank and shipping container manufacturing 10 0 0
3325 Hardware manufacturing 0 0 0
3326 Spring and wire product manufacturing 35 47,587 61,785
3327 Machine shops, turned product, and screw, nut and bolt manufacturing 145 59,942 59,997
3328 Coating, engraving, cold and heat treating and allied activities 35 24,132 24,632
3329 Other fabricated metal product manufacturing 110 38,343 44,107
333 Machinery manufacturing 490 56,182 72,354
3331 Agricultural, construction and mining machinery manufacturing 15 0 0
3332 Industrial machinery manufacturing 160 63,348 78,971
3333 Commercial and service industry machinery manufacturing 30 51,326 61,585
3334 Ventilation, heating, air-conditioning and commercial refrigeration equipment manufacturing 110 37,073 42,546
3335 Metalworking machinery manufacturing 95 65,258 55,383
3336 Engine, turbine and power transmission equipment manufacturing 15 0 0
3339 Other general-purpose machinery manufacturing 65 51,574 134,173
334 Computer and electronic product manufacturing 605 69,227 72,350
3341 Computer and peripheral equipment manufacturing 25 0 0
3342 Communications equipment manufacturing 50 75,003 80,293
3343 Audio and video equipment manufacturing 10 0 0
3344 Semiconductor and other electronic component manufacturing 115 53,788 48,489
3345 Navigational, measuring, medical and control instruments manufacturing 400 75,062 80,005
3346 Manufacturing and reproducing magnetic and optical media 0 0 0
335 Electrical equipment, appliance and component manufacturing 50 30,685 42,865
3351 Electric lighting equipment manufacturing 15 0 0
3352 Household appliance manufacturing 0 0 0
3353 Electrical equipment manufacturing 20 0 0
3359 Other electrical equipment and component manufacturing 10 0 0
336 Transportation equipment manufacturing 1,325 67,776 68,573
3361 Motor vehicle manufacturing 20 0 0
3362 Motor vehicle body and trailer manufacturing 0 0 0
3363 Motor vehicle parts manufacturing 110 49,042 68,419
3364 Aerospace product and parts manufacturing 345 65,245 64,369
3365 Railroad rolling stock manufacturing 0 0 0
3366 Ship and boat building 850 75,904 70,888
3369 Other transportation equipment manufacturing 0 0 0
337 Furniture and related product manufacturing 435 41,360 39,630
3371 Household and institutional furniture and kitchen cabinet manufacturing 415 39,283 37,790
3372 Office furniture (including fixtures) manufacturing 15 0 0
3379 Other furniture-related product manufacturing 10 0 0
339 Miscellaneous manufacturing 520 39,735 43,970
3391 Medical equipment and supplies manufacturing 135 47,194 51,081
3399 Other miscellaneous manufacturing 390 35,263 41,539
41 Wholesale trade 3,630 45,384 52,277
411 Farm product merchant wholesalers 50 19,702 26,304
4111 Farm product merchant wholesaler 50 19,702 26,304
412 Petroleum and petroleum product merchant wholesalers 35 0 0
4121 Petroleum and petroleum products merchant wholesalers 35 0 0
413 Food, beverage and tobacco merchant wholesalers 955 39,121 46,805
4131 Food merchant wholesalers 820 37,473 46,766
4132 Beverage merchant wholesalers 125 50,855 47,761
4133 Cigarette and tobacco product merchant wholesalers 10 0 0
414 Personal and household goods merchant wholesalers 410 40,592 56,337
4141 Textile, clothing and footwear merchant wholesalers 75 31,227 47,390
4142 Home entertainment equipment and household appliance merchant wholesalers 25 0 0
4143 Home furnishings merchant wholesalers 50 20,082 35,746
4144 Personal goods merchant wholesalers 100 28,514 39,360
4145 Pharmaceuticals, toiletries, cosmetics and sundries merchant wholesalers 160 60,876 77,517
415 Motor vehicle and motor vehicle parts and accessories merchant wholesalers 135 34,959 37,187
4151 Motor vehicle merchant wholesalers 40 21,317 27,244
4152 New motor vehicle parts and accessories merchant wholesalers 65 36,343 46,958
4153 Used motor vehicle parts and accessories merchant wholesalers 30 34,835 30,250
416 Building material and supplies merchant wholesalers 725 47,213 50,753
4161 Electrical, plumbing, heating and air-conditioning equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers 340 52,445 58,215
4162 Metal service centres 55 52,913 42,291
4163 Lumber, millwork, hardware and other building supplies merchant wholesalers 330 43,249 44,411
417 Machinery, equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers 860 57,620 66,260
4171 Farm, lawn and garden machinery and equipment merchant wholesalers 10 0 0
4172 Construction, forestry, mining, and industrial machinery, equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers 140 57,299 52,372
4173 Computer and communications equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers 330 71,141 84,588
4179 Other machinery, equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers 375 51,114 57,553
418 Miscellaneous merchant wholesalers 330 36,043 40,416
4181 Recyclable material merchant wholesalers 195 35,841 38,484
4182 Paper, paper product and disposable plastic product merchant wholesalers 40 76,346 60,512
4183 Agricultural supplies merchant wholesalers 25 0 47,352
4184 Chemical (except agricultural) and allied product merchant wholesalers 10 0 0
4189 Other miscellaneous merchant wholesalers 60 11,944 24,319
419 Business-to-business electronic markets, and agents and brokers 135 41,950 52,078
4191 Business-to-business electronic markets, and agents and brokers 135 41,950 52,078
44-45 Retail trade 23,075 21,840 31,290
441 Motor vehicle and parts dealers 1,915 41,919 54,242
4411 Automobile dealers 1,175 45,865 62,972
4412 Other motor vehicle dealers 300 37,685 40,474
4413 Automotive parts, accessories and tire stores 440 32,975 40,272
442 Furniture and home furnishings stores 755 28,687 38,549
4421 Furniture stores 255 39,288 41,764
4422 Home furnishings stores 500 26,305 36,908
443 Electronics and appliance stores 645 23,489 35,133
4431 Electronics and appliance stores 645 23,489 35,133
444 Building material and garden equipment and supplies dealers 1,490 26,355 32,360
4441 Building material and supplies dealers 1,330 27,320 32,733
4442 Lawn and garden equipment and supplies stores 160 19,496 29,282
445 Food and beverage stores 6,975 21,872 28,609
4451 Grocery stores 5,765 22,325 29,382
4452 Specialty food stores 580 17,016 23,223
4453 Beer, wine and liquor stores 630 21,537 26,474
446 Health and personal care stores 2,410 23,396 33,792
4461 Health and personal care stores 2,410 23,396 33,792
447 Gasoline stations 515 18,795 35,124
4471 Gasoline stations 515 18,795 35,124
448 Clothing and clothing accessories stores 2,410 13,636 19,038
4481 Clothing stores 1,735 13,061 18,326
4482 Shoe stores 300 13,756 20,542
4483 Jewellery, luggage and leather goods stores 375 18,666 21,109
451 Sporting goods, hobby, book and music stores 1,365 15,725 22,450
4511 Sporting goods, hobby and musical instrument stores 1,135 18,101 23,508
4513 Book stores and news dealers 230 10,143 17,175
452 General merchandise stores 2,265 19,331 24,266
4521 Department stores 1,150 19,454 22,245
4529 Other general merchandise stores 1,120 18,679 26,341
453 Miscellaneous store retailers 1,760 19,181 38,088
4531 Florists 150 8,941 15,836
4532 Office supplies, stationery and gift stores 460 19,737 24,657
4533 Used merchandise stores 455 18,987 20,231
4539 Other miscellaneous store retailers 690 21,176 63,756
454 Non-store retailers 575 21,770 36,110
4541 Electronic shopping and mail-order houses 270 28,276 47,612
4542 Vending machine operators 15 0 0
4543 Direct selling establishments 295 16,489 25,624
48-49 Transportation and warehousing 7,520 47,346 52,516
481 Air transportation 685 61,102 83,066
4811 Scheduled air transportation 500 59,327 84,657
4812 Non-scheduled air transportation 180 63,208 78,679
482 Rail transportation 15 0 0
4821 Rail transportation 15 0 0
483 Water transportation 1,325 58,868 68,472
4831 Deep-sea, coastal and great lakes water transportation 1,270 59,604 69,535
4832 Inland water transportation 60 22,759 44,556
484 Truck transportation 825 36,950 38,273
4841 General freight trucking 370 41,294 40,918
4842 Specialized freight trucking 455 28,444 36,133
485 Transit and ground passenger transportation 1,935 39,912 42,066
4851 Urban transit systems 930 60,716 60,517
4852 Interurban and rural bus transportation 35 42,284 36,990
4853 Taxi and limousine service 700 19,100 21,018
4854 School and employee bus transportation 100 16,951 26,961
4855 Charter bus industry 115 38,998 37,938
4859 Other transit and ground passenger transportation 55 39,112 37,059
486 Pipeline transportation 15 0 0
4861 Pipeline transportation of crude oil 10 0 0
4862 Pipeline transportation of natural gas 10 0 0
4869 Other pipeline transportation 0 0 0
487 Scenic and sightseeing transportation 245 19,447 25,077
4871 Scenic and sightseeing transportation, land 50 26,576 35,441
4872 Scenic and sightseeing transportation, water 190 19,387 22,809
4879 Scenic and sightseeing transportation, other 10 0 0
488 Support activities for transportation 1,000 42,705 58,681
4881 Support activities for air transportation 240 62,910 69,025
4882 Support activities for rail transportation 10 0 0
4883 Support activities for water transportation 445 56,662 65,054
4884 Support activities for road transportation 230 29,654 32,936
4885 Freight transportation arrangement 50 49,250 83,160
4889 Other support activities for transportation 25 0 0
491 Postal service 775 54,965 49,242
4911 Postal service 775 54,965 49,242
492 Couriers and messengers 480 35,038 39,546
4921 Couriers 420 36,912 41,076
4922 Local messengers and local delivery 60 27,948 28,685
493 Warehousing and storage 215 38,904 40,806
4931 Warehousing and storage 215 38,904 40,806
51 Information and cultural industries 4,145 41,877 51,165
511 Publishing industries (except internet) 915 52,369 67,035
5111 Newspaper, periodical, book and directory publishers 600 33,471 46,832
5112 Software publishers 315 75,448 105,425
512 Motion picture and sound recording industries 590 12,503 22,170
5121 Motion picture and video industries 540 11,760 22,177
5122 Sound recording industries 45 21,081 22,080
515 Broadcasting (except internet) 260 50,197 51,480
5151 Radio and television broadcasting 250 50,284 52,308
5152 Pay and specialty television 0 0 0
517 Telecommunications 1,530 46,784 53,805
5171 Wired telecommunications carriers 1,310 46,693 53,303
5172 Wireless telecommunications carriers (except satellite) 110 25,405 51,517
5174 Satellite telecommunications 30 52,245 72,634
5179 Other telecommunications 80 51,520 57,455
518 Data processing, hosting, and related services 120 42,722 77,524
5182 Data processing, hosting, and related services 120 42,722 77,524
519 Other information services 735 39,720 44,759
5191 Other information services 740 39,720 44,759
52 Finance and insurance 6,265 52,435 78,971
521 Monetary authorities - central bank 0 0 0
5211 Monetary authorities central bank 0 0 0
522 Credit intermediation and related activities 2,655 48,596 63,778
5221 Depository credit intermediation 1,935 49,406 66,565
5222 Non-depository credit intermediation 335 37,899 49,551
5223 Activities related to credit intermediation 385 52,630 62,198
523 Securities, commodity contracts, and other financial investment and related activities 1,410 65,771 134,928
5231 Securities and commodity contracts intermediation and brokerage 395 65,922 147,449
5232 Securities and commodity exchanges 15 0 0
5239 Other financial investment activities 1,000 65,755 130,986
524 Insurance carriers and related activities 2,090 52,253 61,547
5241 Insurance carriers 1,045 58,282 63,816
5242 Agencies, brokerages and other insurance related activities 1,040 47,634 59,261
526 Funds and other financial vehicles 110 50,014 58,304
5261 Pension funds 65 52,661 59,954
5269 Other funds and financial vehicles 40 0 0
53 Real estate and rental and leasing 4,100 35,944 50,487
531 Real estate 3,680 36,825 52,408
5311 Lessors of real estate 680 31,503 50,567
5312 Offices of real estate agents and brokers 1,790 40,991 58,538
5313 Activities related to real estate 1,215 36,968 44,405
532 Rental and leasing services 410 28,570 33,699
5321 Automotive equipment rental and leasing 195 22,777 29,276
5322 Consumer goods rental 105 25,510 31,265
5323 General rental centres 10 0 0
5324 Commercial and industrial machinery and equipment rental and leasing 95 46,641 43,835
533 Lessors of non-financial intangible assets (except copyrighted works) 15 0 0
5331 Lessors of non-financial intangible assets (except copyrighted works) 10 0 0
54 Professional, scientific and technical services 16,360 46,189 57,833
541 Professional, scientific and technical services 16,360 46,189 57,833
5411 Legal services 1,655 49,834 62,519
5412 Accounting, tax preparation, bookkeeping and payroll services 2,065 29,973 38,306
5413 Architectural, engineering and related services 2,550 53,816 63,714
5414 Specialized design services 705 22,296 30,150
5415 Computer systems design and related services 4,300 62,560 74,011
5416 Management, scientific and technical consulting services 2,525 41,657 56,506
5417 Scientific research and development services 835 48,495 61,848
5418 Advertising, public relations, and related services 660 32,651 43,369
5419 Other professional, scientific and technical services 1,070 27,885 36,458
55 Management of companies and enterprises 200 49,881 66,712
551 Management of companies and enterprises 200 49,881 66,712
5511 Management of companies and enterprises 205 49,881 66,712
56 Administrative and support, waste management and remediation services 8,485 22,159 28,446
561 Administrative and support services 8,025 21,467 27,287
5611 Office administrative services 220 30,799 37,654
5612 Facilities support services 40 54,728 61,175
5613 Employment services 440 19,486 27,486
5614 Business support services 590 30,741 34,924
5615 Travel arrangement and reservation services 575 19,433 25,948
5616 Investigation and security services 1,240 30,314 34,905
5617 Services to buildings and dwellings 4,750 18,645 23,615
5619 Other support services 175 26,543 30,881
562 Waste management and remediation services 460 41,016 48,703
5621 Waste collection 160 41,029 44,854
5622 Waste treatment and disposal 145 39,394 57,957
5629 Remediation and other waste management services 150 42,022 43,916
61 Educational services 16,745 43,529 48,536
611 Educational services 16,745 43,529 48,536
6111 Elementary and secondary schools 7,570 46,337 50,508
6112 Community colleges and C.E.G.E.P.s 1,400 53,939 58,367
6113 Universities 5,875 44,835 52,166
6114 Business schools and computer and management training 60 47,120 40,845
6115 Technical and trade schools 150 22,136 33,378
6116 Other schools and instruction 1,525 13,366 19,698
6117 Educational support services 165 15,896 28,209
62 Health care and social assistance 27,040 41,525 47,648
621 Ambulatory health care services 11,515 44,910 53,615
6211 Offices of physicians 2,355 52,322 73,098
6212 Offices of dentists 1,440 47,311 54,943
6213 Offices of other health practitioners 3,170 37,214 42,799
6214 Out-patient care centres 2,540 52,539 56,408
6215 Medical and diagnostic laboratories 475 44,095 50,802
6216 Home health care services 1,170 37,891 37,903
6219 Other ambulatory health care services 365 49,136 51,289
622 Hospitals 6,315 50,362 56,052
6220 Hospitals(6221 to 6223)Footnote 11 6,315 50,362 56,052
623 Nursing and residential care facilities 4,675 39,052 40,377
6230 Nursing and residential care facilities(6231 to 6239)Footnote 12 4,675 39,052 40,377
624 Social assistance 4,535 24,734 28,300
6241 Individual and family services 2,440 29,850 33,121
6242 Community food and housing, and emergency and other relief services 180 22,810 24,943
6243 Vocational rehabilitation services 160 30,457 35,419
6244 Child day-care services 1,750 18,581 21,248
71 Arts, entertainment and recreation 5,285 17,176 27,299
711 Performing arts, spectator sports and related industries 1,735 9,712 19,466
7111 Performing arts companies 495 14,783 22,661
7112 Spectator sports 155 12,382 27,801
7113 Promoters (presenters) of performing arts, sports and similar events 115 28,430 30,471
7114 Agents and managers for artists, athletes, entertainers and other public figures 35 0 0
7115 Independent artists, writers and performers 935 6,923 15,231
712 Heritage institutions 835 30,748 45,202
7121 Heritage institutions 835 30,748 45,202
713 Amusement, gambling and recreation industries 2,715 18,783 26,792
7131 Amusement parks and arcades 30 0 0
7132 Gambling industries 270 36,157 36,048
7139 Other amusement and recreation industries 2,420 17,230 25,963
72 Accommodation and food services 18,055 16,847 21,654
721 Accommodation services 3,845 28,891 31,797
7211 Traveller accommodation 3,610 29,691 32,358
7212 Recreational vehicle (RV) parks and recreational camps 215 11,530 21,846
7213 Rooming and boarding houses 25 0 0
722 Food services and drinking places 14,210 14,801 18,910
7223 Special food services 885 27,888 30,569
7224 Drinking places (alcoholic beverages) 375 15,042 20,270
7225 Full-service restaurants and limited service eating places 12,950 14,352 18,076
81 Other services (except public administration) 8,155 26,433 33,671
811 Repair and maintenance 1,855 36,227 41,730
8111 Automotive repair and maintenance 1,125 41,528 45,452
8112 Electronic and precision equipment repair and maintenance 140 22,328 29,222
8113 Commercial and industrial machinery and equipment (except automotive and electronic) repair and maintenance 275 46,505 49,330
8114 Personal and household goods repair and maintenance 315 23,649 27,318
812 Personal and laundry services 2,915 20,190 25,205
8121 Personal care services 2,075 18,889 24,444
8122 Funeral services 130 33,969 34,165
8123 Dry cleaning and laundry services 225 31,215 31,973
8129 Other personal services 485 18,984 22,946
813 Religious, grant-making, civic, and professional and similar organizations 2,535 35,838 41,906
8131 Religious organizations 805 30,021 33,794
8132 Grant-making and giving services 365 30,817 41,248
8133 Social advocacy organizations 260 35,200 38,260
8134 Civic and social organizations 520 35,276 37,753
8139 Business, professional, labour and other membership organizations 585 51,289 58,846
814 Private households 855 19,020 20,640
8141 Private households 855 19,020 20,640
91 Public administration 26,060 66,573 68,109
911 Federal government public administration 10,705 69,682 67,789
9111 Defence services 6,250 72,573 71,218
9112-9119 Other federal government public administrationFootnote 13 4,450 59,869 62,971
912 Provincial and territorial public administration 11,570 64,404 68,439
9120 Provincial and territorial public administration (9121 to 9129)Footnote 14 11,570 64,404 68,439
913 Local, municipal and regional public administration 3,660 63,710 68,758
9130 Local, municipal and regional public administration (9131 to 9139)Footnote 15 3,665 63,710 68,758
914 Aboriginal public administration 100 33,317 34,236
9141 Aboriginal public administration 105 33,317 34,236
919 International and other extra-territorial public administration 25 0 0
9191 International and other extra-territorial public administration 20 0 0


Symbol ..

not available for a specific reference period


Symbol ...

not applicable


Symbol x

suppressed to meet the confidentiality requirements of the Statistics Act


Symbol F

too unreliable to be published



Footnote 1

Users should be aware that the estimates associated with this variable are more affected than most by the incomplete enumeration of certain Indian reserves and Indian settlements in the 2016 Census of Population. For more information on Aboriginal variables, including information on their classifications, the questions from which they are derived, data quality and their comparability with other sources of data, refer to the Aboriginal Peoples Reference Guide, Census of Population, 2016 and the Aboriginal Peoples Technical Report, Census of Population, 2016.

Return to footnote 1 referrer

Footnote 2

Users are advised to consult data quality comments for 'Highest certificate, diploma or degree,' available in the Education Reference Guide, Census of Population, 2016, Catalogue no. 98-500-X2016013.

Return to footnote 2 referrer

Footnote 3

Refers to the number of weeks in which a person aged 15 years and over worked for pay or in self-employment in 2015 at all jobs held, even if only for a few hours, and whether these weeks were mostly full time (30 hours or more per week) or mostly part time (less than 30 hours per week). Full year is 49 weeks or over. Part year is less than 49 weeks.

Return to footnote 3 referrer

Footnote 4

Employment income - All income received as wages, salaries and commissions from paid employment and net self-employment income from farm or non-farm unincorporated business and/or professional practice during the reference period. For the 2016 Census, the reference period is the calendar year 2015 for all income variables.

Return to footnote 4 referrer

Footnote 5

Median income - The median income of a specified group is the amount that divides the income distribution of that group into two halves, i.e., the incomes of half of the units in that group are below the median, while those of the other half are above the median. Median incomes of individuals are calculated for those with income (positive or negative).

Return to footnote 5 referrer

Footnote 6

Average income - Average income of a specified group is calculated by dividing the aggregate income of that group by the number of units in that group. Average incomes of individuals are calculated for those with income (positive or negative).

Return to footnote 6 referrer

Footnote 7

Refers to the general nature of the business carried out in the establishment where the person worked.

Return to footnote 7 referrer

Footnote 8

The code and title of this category are not found in the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2012; this category is needed due to the combination of NAICS sub-sectors performed during the coding process.

Return to footnote 8 referrer

Footnote 9

The code and title of this category are not found in the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2012; this category is needed due to the combination of NAICS industry groups performed during the coding process.

Return to footnote 9 referrer

Footnote 10

The code and title of this category are not found in the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2012; this category is needed due to the combination of NAICS industry groups performed during the coding process.

Return to footnote 10 referrer

Footnote 11

The code and title of this category are not found in the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2012; this category is needed due to the combination of NAICS industry groups performed during the coding process.

Return to footnote 11 referrer

Footnote 12

The code and title of this category are not found in the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2012; this category is needed due to the combination of NAICS industry groups performed during the coding process.

Return to footnote 12 referrer

Footnote 13

The code and title of this category are not found in the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2012; this category is needed due to the combination of NAICS industry groups performed during the coding process.

Return to footnote 13 referrer

Footnote 14

The code and title of this category are not found in the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2012; this category is needed due to the combination of NAICS industry groups performed during the coding process.

Return to footnote 14 referrer

Footnote 15

The code and title of this category are not found in the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2012; this category is needed due to the combination of NAICS industry groups performed during the coding process.

Return to footnote 15 referrer

Source: Statistics Canada, 2016 Census of Population, Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 98-400-X2016359.

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