Data tables, 2016 Census

Age (6)

3 result(s) found, grouped by product name

Group number 1 of 3 - Aboriginal Identity (9), Individual Low-income Status (6), Low-income Indicators (4), Registered or Treaty Indian Status (3), Age (6) and Sex (3) for the Population in Private Households

This table lists all data products for group 1: Aboriginal Identity (9), Individual Low-income Status (6), Low-income Indicators (4), Registered or Treaty Indian Status (3), Age (6) and Sex (3) for the Population in Private Households
# Catalogue number Geography Formats
1.1 98-400-X2016173 Canada, Provinces and Territories, Census Metropolitan Areas and Census Agglomerations


Group number 2 of 3 - Immigrant Status and Period of Immigration (11), Individual Low-income Status (6), Low-income Indicators (4), Age (6) and Sex (3) for the Population in Private Households

This table lists all data products for group 2: Immigrant Status and Period of Immigration (11), Individual Low-income Status (6), Low-income Indicators (4), Age (6) and Sex (3) for the Population in Private Households
# Catalogue number Geography Formats
2.1 98-400-X2016206 Canada, Provinces and Territories, Census Metropolitan Areas and Census Agglomerations


Group number 3 of 3 - Visible Minority (15), Individual Low-income Status (6), Low-income Indicators (4), Generation Status (4), Age (6) and Sex (3) for the Population in Private Households

This table lists all data products for group 3: Visible Minority (15), Individual Low-income Status (6), Low-income Indicators (4), Generation Status (4), Age (6) and Sex (3) for the Population in Private Households
# Catalogue number Geography Formats
3.1 98-400-X2016211 Canada, Provinces and Territories, Census Metropolitan Areas and Census Agglomerations


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